They really do work! “I felt like I needed to write a review because these really did work for me! This was the second time I bought these and this time I even bought an extra package to send to my daughter! I prepare my produce and put it in a paper towel in a plastic bag and tuck a piece of one of the produce sheets inside the bag. My lettuce stays crisper than when it is brought home from the store! I tuck a full sheet in the vegetable crisper drawer. The bread one, I use half a sheet, and my bread lasted longer than normal. I will order them again!” - DebraBk (
One of the best inventions of the 21st century "Simple and works brilliantly. Every kitchen should have a pack. I put one each in the refrigerator fruit and vegetable drawers and another in the breadbox and replace them monthly (or a little less frequently). - PRBCT (
Great for RVers “This is a great product for RVers. I enjoy salad products. I need something that will help keep my salad fixins longer and it does. I was amazed. I still don't quit understand how it is reusable. I use it for about 3 weeks on each bag of greens and then I throw it away. My greens do stay fresh for up to 3 weeks.” - Trish McCann (
Works! "These work as advertised. Simple way to keep produce fresh longer. Change these once a week or sometimes longer depending on need. For once a great product that does as advertised. Be sure to open slightly any items you expect this to work on. Just a small slit in whatever container the item comes in and it keeps that item fresh so much longer. Have recommended them to many of my friends who are also using them now. With the cost of so many things these days this item is worth the purchase!" - Kindle Customer (
Where has this been all of my adult life “Oh my goodness! I’m so glad I decided to try this. I used to have a problem with my fruits and veggies going bad after a couple of days but not anymore. All I have to do is put the fresh paper in the clamshell and everything stays as fresh as the day I bought it for a couple of weeks. Fresh paper has saved me a lot of money in fruit this summer.” - Wendyagbrown (
I love these fresh papers. They really work! "They were developed for 3rd world countries to help extend the "shelf-life" of produce. I cut them into quarters and put them in all refrigerated produce, from lettuces to apples, before they go in the frig." - Joan Burroughs (
These papers have truly made a difference with the longevity of fruit and veggies "I bought these hoping they really work to keep fruit and veggies fresher for longer and they really work!! We were so sick of throwing away blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries- they become moldy so quickly, but add 1 of these papers to the container and they are now lasting over a week! No mold! I'm a true believer now and will continue to add these to my crisper drawer and individual packages of fruit." - SB (
Happy Customer "I buy lots of fresh produce and these sheets keep lettuce, spinach, kale, and even mushrooms fresh for much longer. I am able to use everything I purchase for the week and sometimes keep it longer and these fragile vegetables stay as fresh as the day I bring them home, and they’re reusable. Great product and arrived quickly. - Miss Patricia (
What Sorcery is This? “I literally stopped buying fresh fruit & veggies because I was tired of them going bad before I even gotten around to them. So glad I saw a streaming tv commercial about this product. wow. I’m shocked that they actually work. I put a full sheet in with my bowl of tangerines. 3 weeks later they were as perfect as the day I bought them. I put HALF a sheet in with a box of lettuce. 2 weeks later, almost every leaf is still perfect. I put a quarter sheet on the side of a small container with some CUT cucumbers in it. A week later they were all still as fresh as the day I cut them. I don’t know what sorcery this is but I’m so glad I tried it for myself.” -Nisey, Philadelphia, PA (
Excellent Product “I am a single person and oh my how much fresh produce and fruit can go bad fast. This Fresh Paper product is the best. I have even sent it as a gift. Everybody loves it and I love the scent of the spices that make it up. You cannot go wrong its easy, and I just throw it into my composter when done:) Keep those fresh fruits and veggies lasting longer.......” – Dian (
Lots of Uses "These papers really work. I started using them for my fruit bowl and the difference was immediate, the fruit flies went away and my fruit is lasting longer! Now I have them in my fruit/veg drawer and I have the bread version which also works." - Virginia B (
Bigger size is great for summer produce! “I’ve used Fresh Paper for many years. It’s helped me join CSAs without guilt and is very helpful during the summer months when there is so much more produce. And during these last few months we are cooking so much more and relying on farmers market and CSA for safer food buying outdoors. I’m also appreciative and impressed with QVC’s super fast delivery!” - MCDBalty (
Want your veggies and fruits to last? "These are amazing. A neighbor shared them with me, I thought no way will they work, but they do! In these difficult times we are not going to the store as often, so it's extra important to preserve our food as long as possible. AND with the farmers not able to get produce to consumers easily, it's even MORE important to store our food properly and as efficiently as we can!" – Martha (
Keeps Spinach Fresh “I wish that I had discovered this item sooner. My 1 lb. boxes of spinach from my local warehouse club used to go bad so fast. After I started placing a sheet of FreshPaper into each box of spinach as soon as I got home, I haven't had this problem since. I also use this product to keep zucchini/squash fresh.” -Turboshopper (
Saved me from worrying so much! Thank you!!
“THEY WORK! I absolutely love these. I buy a ton of produce for myself and my kids regularly, so when I came across these I was thrilled. Although we go through our produce fairly quickly, I always get so anxious worrying about it going to waste because we didn’t eat or cook it soon enough. It makes me physically sick to throw food in the trash being that we have 2 kids and are on a budget, but I refuse to buy a bunch of processed junk that has a shelf life of 10 years. These have saved me from worrying so much about waste! We can actually enjoy our food and Mommy can relax lol Big plus that they’re made in the USA as well 🇺🇸” -Kirsten Livingston (
Save me time and $$$ “I don’t understand how these magic sheets work, but they do! I’m able to buy large sizes of bananas, cocktail tomatoes, and even berries (which seem to only last a couple days max) and they last around two weeks. So I don’t have to go back to the store. *With small size containers, rip the sheets into half or quarter sizes!” - CCinSt (
A must have for anyone who takes longer than 24 hours to eat their fresh greens!! "These simple papers are a game changer. I used to use paper towels and while they helped some, they were nothing compared to this product. I stick several in with my spinach, kale, or spring mixes and it lengthens the life and freshness of my greens. What would normally turn bad in 4 days easily now lasts the full week, which is very helpful in not wasting food and not having to shop as much. They can also be reused, so you don't have to throw them out after one use unless they're soaked. Usually mine have 60% life left in them after one use and I'm able to use them a second or even third time and they work just as well." -Elin (
It Works! “I was surprised at how well this product worked! I always lose spinach in 5-7 days, I think I'm up to 10 days and it's just now starting to wilt and brown. Put the sheets in with berries, extended the life of those too. Very happy with this product and it's life span, will order more when they run out!” - Amanda (
These are Incredible! “This product really works. I used to throw away all of my unused lettuce, berries and other produce after a few days because it would go bad before I could use it. Now, I can buy lettuce and other salad greens once per week and still have fresh salad every day with none having to be thrown away. Not only does it save money, but it is so convenient to only have to go to the grocery store once per week. GREAT PRODUCT! I highly recommend it.” -Sabrina (

Can't recommend these highly enough!” – Nancy M, (
Perfect for pandemic "I bought this product when the pandemic started and there were so many unknowns with where and if we could get food. I was pleasantly surprised on how this kept my food fresh!" - Cambria C. (
It really works! "These sheets really do work keeping fruit and veg fresher longer! They save me money in the long run since I’m getting to all the produce before it spoils! I highly recommend this product!" - Kate M. (
My Blueberries Lasted 2 Weeks! “I really like these sheets. I have not tried the ones for bread, but the sheets for produce definitely extended the life of my fruits and veggies. I love the fact that they’re compostable. And they do smell delicious!” - Klamzander (
What a great discovery! “I have used this product - these sheets-of-wonder for several years. It's not easy to find. It helps lettuce, fruit. Sometimes I cut the sheet in half.” -BBB Customer Bev (
Work Great! “I have been using Fresh Paper for almost two years, they work! A couple of years ago The Rachel Ray show did a product test and review on Fresh Paper, decided to try and so glad I did. I have had great success in keeping fresh fruit and veggies so much longer. Just this past month I put a half sheet in each container of fresh blueberries, not washed and put in the day I purchased, over two weeks later berries are still perfect. Was very happy to see QVC is now offering.” - Rbecca63 (
❤️❤️❤️ A MUST-ESP DURING VIRUS “Wasted produce, esp since I live alone, was always an issue. Oftentimes it would rot before I used it all. This product WORKS!! I’ve kept berries 8-10 Days, spinach & peppers 2+ WKS, Bananas (Ziplock bag w/sheet) firm & fresh 8 days. Now I’ll Stock up certain all will last! My only VIP tip-make sure veg/fruit is DRY-then add paper.” -Linda E. (
Seeing is Believing. Try it. You won't regret it! "I was Skeptical about the claim that it would give my fruits and vegetables a longer time for freshness.
Well I’m a believer now. I have raspberry blackberry ect.. that would have spoiled a few days after buying, but I still have them and other fruits and veggies still fresh after 2 weeks. The bread drawer is staying fresher. At this time where you can’t go to the store as frequently due to COVID-19. Keeping everything fresh had been a challenge until I started using Freshpaper food saver." -KBBoston (
Saves Me Money “I live about 45 min from the nearest grocery store. It’s hard to keep produce and fresh fruit between trips to the store. This has been a game changer for our family. I especially use it for greens and berries. Love it.” – Roxanne (
Miracle workers!!!!!! "These are UNREAL!!!! I eat overnight oats with strawberries every morning, plus the rest of my family also uses strawberries for smoothies almost daily. We were buying the larger containers of strawberries because we’d run out of the small ones so fast, but they’d be mushy and moldy by the 3rd day home! We ended up throwing away the last third of each container before we could use them. It was such a waste.
I thought I’d give these a go as a last option and even despite the glowing reviews I was skeptical. But I can genuinely say that these things are the closest to real magic as I’ve ever seen. We’re able to use a single sheet for up to a month without replacing it with a new one and we can actually use the entire container of strawberries now!! It has saved so much $$ out of our grocery budget and is the most simple and convenient solution. If you’re on the fence, BUY IT. It’s MORE than worth it for the price!" - Caroline Vitanza (
Makes fruit and veggies last "I’ve been using these for awhile and I like them as long as I remember to change them out" - mj laracy (
Extends the life of your fruit and veggies. "Another item I purchased with some skepticism but it works! I probably get an additional week to 10 days for stored veggies. I love it when an item actually does what the manufacturer claims it does!" -CatMom (
Keeps foods fresh for longer. "I notice that the fruit in my bowl stays fresh longer with these freshpapers. The seem to last a few months before needing replacement." -Momofsix (
Fantastic salad saving sheets "I love these sheets especially with lettuces and other fresh veggies…really keeps fresh much longer!" - ps (
So far so good "Seems to help in my fridge's produce drawer. Smells sweet, kind of like maple. I also have a sheet in my fruit bowl and it seems to keep bananas from browning and extra couple days. - Samantha (The Container Store)
LOVE these - DEF helps with produce waste "I love these SO much! I end up tossing so much produce (especially the pre-bagged salads, which don’t keep long once opened). These handy little guys keep EVERYTHING fresher longer! Have purchased several for friends/family as stocking stuffers/gifts, too." - Tra (
Amazingly effective! "We used to throw out our fruit after a week or so because of mold. Now we never throw out any fruit because of mold, only because it dried out after several weeks of us not eating our fruit fast enough. We have purchased these about four times now. They’re awesome!" - M.Mathis (
THEY WORK!!! “Okay, I was skeptical. But now I'm a believer. They keep my salad greens from spoiling too quickly. They even keep bananas from ripening too fast!! Same for berries. They're easy to use. There is a smell, but it's not passed on to food. I highly recommend them. I've been recommending them to friends and family!” - JAZZES MOM (
MUST HAVE “I have been using this product for quite a while, over two years at least. Because I buy mostly organic produce, I would not be without it. I eat a lot of organic greens and buy in large containers, and this keeps them fresh past the "buy by" date. I just stick a sheet in the container. It also keeps my other vegetables fresh longer by sticking a sheet or two in the drawer. Don't get the negative reviews because for me it is a must have!!!”- Top 500 Contributor (
Impressive!!! “I put blackberries, “small sheet of paper towel and one of these sheets in lock n lock. 2 weeks later not one speck (
Outstanding Value! “I'm so grateful to have found a safe, organic product that extends the life of fruits and vegetables. Fresh Paper is a kitchen necessity as I try to prepare nutritious meals for my family. When will you carry it again?” - Anonymous (
Best purchase “Dear qvc, please bring this product back! I love this - Freshpaper keeps vegetables in refrigerator for a long time. I them.” noy (
Works great for us! “We are big berry eaters. I have used this in raspberries, blueberries, black berries, strawberries and bing cherries. I have been very pleased with how the berries last longer. I am very sensitive to odors and this has not bothered me at all. Thank you for this product.” - RVGrandmama (
Love these “Oh goodness I absolutely am in love with this product. I opened a head of lettuce and put 1/2 a sheet in a bag 21/2 weeks later, still as fresh as the day I bought it. Very highly recommended.” - Lindaruf (
A Life Saver “The value of this product to me is beyond measure. In this time of social distancing, I Can order my produce and have it last, without spoiling, for extra weeks. Less grocery shopping, less exposure. Thank you.” - boomer babe (
Works “Just ordered my second package. They truly work. Used them with bananas, the peel was really brown, they looked like they would be too ripe. Yet to my surprise the banana itself was perfect! And my bread stays fresh. No mold.” - tm318 (
Great product! “I have been using this product for quite a while, over two years at least. Because I buy mostly organic produce, I would not be without it. I eat a lot of organic greens and buy in large containers, and this keeps them fresh past the "buy by" date. I just stick a sheet in the container. It also keeps my other vegetables fresh longer by sticking a sheet or two in the drawer. Don't get the negative reviews because for me it is a must have!!!”- Sunjay (
It Works! “I was buying these when they were on HSN and on auto ship for about 2 years. They WORK! I have tried the green bags and boxes that did not work for me.I also tried the Blue Apple which was ok. But these keep my kale fresh for 2 or more weeks which was the test for me because kale goes bad quickly if you don’t use it within a couple of days.If I keep my produce in the plastic bag it came in I put a paper towel in the bag,such as carrots. The paper towel absorbs the moisture and I also put a Freshpaper in the bag.I swap out the paper towel as it gets soaked.So I put a Freshpaper sheet in with each piece of produce and 1 in the crisper drawer.When I use up the produce,I put the Freshpaper sheet on the counter to dry and then reuse it or put in back in the storage bag for later use.This system works for me and has saved my money in not throwing away produce every week.Give them a try!” - ckwisconsin (
AMAZING!! “I ordered these for the second time because I am pleased with this product. This time however, I decided to be a good mom and share them with my daughters who also rave about how well they work, especially with those bagged salads. I won’t be without them. Please don’t stop selling them!!!” - finikyme (
Works Well! “These exceeded my expectations. Not only was my fruit kept fresh for weeks longer, sometimes the sheets are lasting longer than the thirty days promised. With only two people, and I alone eat certain things, these are great. I appreciate being able to buy my berries and not having to be concerned about waste. Those of us whose parents were born in the depression were taught not to waste anything, especially food. I guess you could say these allow me to eat healthier. Thank you!” - BeaglemomForever (
A great product! "So far, I love these 2 products. Both the fresh fruit and the baked good sheets are doing what they’re supposed to do. I’m ver happy with my purchases." - Janet S . Newman (
A great food storage item! "This was a gift to a close friend. She is very happy as it will keep her foods healthy and safe for consumption." - Felipe Grimard (
Great product to keep salads fresh "Great product to keep salads fresh." - NJZ (
Love these!! "I'm impressed they actually work wish I knew about these years ago. I bought a few more packs." - Lisa Madonna (
Great product so far…"We buy bananas and if they are t eaten in a day or two, usually they are turned. So far, we’ve had 3/4 bananas for three mornings and little or no color change." - Jennifer Dempsey (
Keeps my fruit and vegetables fresh "I definitely have seen a difference when using the Freshpaper, both in the fridge and in our fruit bowls. And we eat a LOT of fresh fruits and vegetables, so any help we can get in keeping them fresher longer is a money saver. We will continue to use the Freshpaper." - Dragongirl7 (
Seems to help, easy to use "I haven't done a controlled study or anything, but I have gotten the impression these do help keep fruits and vegetables fresh for longer. I can't think of anything easier to use. If the bins are not very full they can just lie flat, and if the bins are full, then I can stand it upright between the side or the back and some of the produce." - kj (
Fresher longer "Keeps my spinach fresh for a month. Usually it spoils in less than a week" - Amazon Customer (
Keeps veggies fresh "Very impressed on how many days it keeps salads and veggies fresh. This product really works! I will be buying more!" - c (
It works great! "We use these for spring mix lettuce, celery… keeps them fresh at least a week longer, so we can finish eating all of them. Saves money, because they stay fresh. We cut the sheets in half for smaller quantity items & write the date, to re-use, if still clean. Bought & gave to family. Love that it is a USA company. Highly recommend!" - Jules E (
Great Stuff “I’ve been using these papers for years and those salads that you get that are premade in the grocery store last two weeks in the refrigerator with one little piece of this paper inside the bag. Everything lasts longer In the crisper drawer and in the salad bags.” - frog princess (
They work “My husband is very happy with my purchase. Amazing product and so simple to use. Thank You” - kadd (
keep fresh “I don't know how these work, but they do! Even when it's hot out. A must have in my kitchen now that I'm trying (but not succeeding at LOL) keto and eating lots of veggies” - Anonymous (
Great buy! “This product really works. You put it in your fruit and veggie drawer and it keeps them fresh. I will be reordering this item again!” - Angie362 (
It really works!!! “I'm so glad that I decided to try this product. It really works on my fruits, vegetables, and bread to extend its freshness. Thanks for presenting this product.” - KDE (
Great Product “I love these sheets, they work !!! Have saved lots of $$$$ using them, produce last longer. When will they be back in stock ?” - grant (
It really works.”I love this stuff. It really works. It doesn't keep produce indefinitely, but it does add at least a few days extra.” - Amy (
Great Veggie Saver! “This definitely extends the life of my veggies. I just write the date on it with a marker so I remember when to change the sheet out.”- Wynne (
Outstanding, so worth the money “I was doubtful that this product would really work, all I can say is that they are remarkable worth every…- Stella (
GREAT “So glad I found these - they've saved me so much money!!! don't throw out celery or bananas anymore. LOVE them.” - jennR76 (
They do what they say! “I am always trying to find ways to keep my product fresh! I always have some to throw out that has ruined. These work wonderfully! I put a couple in the crisper drawer. The lettuce is crisper than when purchased at the store! I love these! Will buy again!” - DebraBk (
Worth more than gold “I don't drive, so it's hard getting to the grocery store more than once a week, which means I end up eating frozen or canned vegetables by day 4. Well, no more! I am thrilled with the effectiveness of this product. Whether it's berries in the fridge or tomatoes on the shelf, these sheets extend the life of all my produce. I took an empty bag to my produce guy in hopes that he would start using them in his stock. I especially like the way it keeps greens and salad fresh -- even in the peak of summer. Bravo, Freshglow Co!” - Anonymous (
It works! “I have been using FreshPaper for a long time (even before it was available on QVC) and I can say it definitely works! I just drop it in a bowl with tomatoes and fruit on my counter, or in an open container with berries or leafy greens in the fridge, and I definitely get more life out of them with FreshPaper. I'm single, so it can take a while to get through my produce, and used to have to throw some out before I could finish it. I like that it's all-natural and simple, and best of all, it works!”- JayCeeM (
Love it! “ love this product! I have been using Freshpaper for several years and was excited to see it available on QVC. I tried to order but it sold out too quickly, I can't wait for it to be available again. Consistently makes produce last longer, no more throwing out soggy vegetables week in and week out. Go to hostess gifts and stocking stuffers as well!” - TSD8 (
Great money saving product! This is such a great time of year for farm fresh produce and I especially love the variety of available berries. With only 2 adults in the household, I hesitate buying too much produce but fresh paper keeps fruits and veggies fresh so there is little waste. It’s easy to use and each sheet lasts at least month.”- Anonymous (
Keeps berries fresh "These papers really work! After throwing away too many berries due to mold, these papers kept them fresh until the last one was eaten. Saves money and waste!" - DJL (
Happy Customer "I was skeptical but I was pleasantly surprised! Sheets can be cut to size and seem to last as promised (approx 30 day). I will re-purchase." - saavy Shopper (
Really works "Have used other produce keepers with various results. This amazing piece of paper (!) is the best item I’ve found and it really works. Especially for the most perishable items like lettuce - bag, head or box - lasts for a long time until I am finally able to use the entire amount. I typically cut in half and Use." -gulftrade (
They really work! "I was skeptical when purchasing but decided to give it a try. We buy regularly cut fruit from the supermarket but there are times when we just didn't finish the container and had to toss the remaining contents. We definitely get the extra week using the "papers" and the payback is instant given the price of fresh cut fruit and berries. We like the ability to cut the "paper" to fit a certain container and, most of all, the ability to reuse many times over is fantastic. Product works, super simple, and absolutely no complaints." - Curtis W Rodenhouse (
Highly recommend "Keeps all my produce fresh, I even throw a little square into my salad lunch container." - MLW (
Easy to use. Outstanding item. Love them. "All our vegetables and fruit stay fresher longer." - Charles Bound - (
Good product AND great customer service "I've been using this product for a few years now to keep my produce fresh longer, and I like the way it works, especially for delicate fruits. Recently when I reordered, my package got "lost" for over a week, bouncing back and forth between two locations. The folks at FRESHGLOW were very responsive to my request for help. I was extremely pleased with their level of attention to my problem, their offer to send a replacement (ultimately not needed) and their followup all the way through to when the package was successfully delivered." - broadwayfan (
Work very well keep food fresher longer "I was surprised when I got these because my vegetables and sell it always turns quicker than I can use it but I tried these and you can tell the difference in keeping your food longer! Only thing that I didn't care for is the smell but other than that they work awesome" -Lajauna Buskey Green (
Helps me get through farmer's market season “I have used Freshpaper on and off over the last few years. I used to be able to get it at my local Whole Foods but lately my store has not had it. I was thrilled to see it offered on QVC in a large package and at this price! Funny, I was just flipping through channels and saw it. I recognized the owner as I saw her interviewed before. I managed to get it ordered before they sold out. Hopefully they will offer it again. But, honestly, the 24 sheet pack will do me just fine for the summer when I really need it! We are a small household but I love fresh stuff from the farmer's market. I really like to support our local farmers instead of the grocery store. But as a small family, I was always throwing stuff away which just made me mad at myself! This has helped me a lot. A note, I don't always need to use a whole sheet depending on how much is in my crisper. That makes the packs last longer. Just make sure it is sealed up and they will last.” - MCD04 (
Keeps produce fresh longer "I have been using these papers for several years. I live by myself but i love to eat salad most days. I buy my produce and make 5 salads at once. I use 1 paper quartered in 4 of the salads. This lasts a week for me. sometimes the odor of the sheets is still strong enough so can use them twice. I also use whole sheet in my vegetables' outside of refrigeration like in fruit bowls." - drh (
Actually works as promised. "As a test, I put a sheet in a bag of store-bought hamburger buns. I left them out on the counter for several days. Usually this is a recipe for mold. The buns stored with a sheet had no mold and still tested fresh. Pretty amazing. I used the rest of the sheets with home baked breads given to traveling college students." - Lothar V (
Keeps homemade bread fresh longer "I make yeast breads and found they don’t last long on the counter( never put homemade yeast bread in refrigerator ). This product keeps yeast bread fresh for at least a week" - MaryAnn Harder (
THEY WORK "I had my doubts when I first bought these, but have been pleasantly surprised. I put these in as soon as I get the bread home, and they have kept some bread good for over two weeks past the use by date. The trick is to put them in as soon as you get the bread home. If you wait they won’t help with bread that has already started to go stale or moldy. They won’t reverse, just prevent." - Amp88fan (
Well Worth the Price “I have been purchasing this for several years. I don’t have to throw away my crisper vegetables or fruit anymore. Well worth the price to have nice salad ingredients at hand!” - Xfire (
Saves Money “Absolutely love fresh paper, keeps my produce crisp and fresh ! Saves money as I no longer am wasting food. I used to have to throw out most of my produce because it never stayed fresh. Now it's like the day I brought it home. Recommend highly!!” - Suzette Savage (
Truly Awesome “These little pieces of paper are truly awesome they prolong the life of your produce” - shopping Gram (
Bagels Last Longer “Love these.., can use the sheet more than one time…bread rolls and bagels last so much longer - donna Mitchell (
Saves Money "I have used these bread saver sheets for several years. I keep my bread in the fridge. A loaf of bread will last for weeks using these sheets." - Sarah (
Works GREAT in the hot, humid deep South! "I was skeptical when I purchased these. Will they work or will they suck? They work! I have big, fatty bread boxes, in which I store my store bought organic breads, homemade breads, organic wraps, cornbread, etc..
Living in the deep South, the only way I could previously store bread, without it getting covered and penetrated with the happiest of molds in two days, was to put it in the fridge. A process occurs in the fridge which turns yummy bread into a mixture if sawdust and industrial grade cardboard.
I have stored non-preservative laden bread for almost a week in my bread boxes....and the bread remains moist, tasty and free of gak." -Pig Scum (
These really do work! "I had ordered some of these back in 2018 and then misplaced them! When I bought some loaves of bread and a pound cake for my pandemic supplies I was concerned about the bread becoming moldy before my household of two could consume it all. Then I remembered these Fresh Paper sheets and found them. I put one sheet into each bag and resealed the bag. I’m two weeks into our stay at home and just opened the second bag. To my delight, there’s no mold but even better the bread is still soft, no stale stiffness, and I’m expecting all four to be still fresh after a month! I’m delighted!" - D. Petty (
I Love These! “These are great to extend the life of your produce and bread in the refrigerator. I’m no longer throwing out uneaten food every week.” - hr18 (
Best Money Saver Ever!!!! “Freshpaper is the easiest produce saver to use! Takes up no space in the fridge, no plastic, no toxic chemicals and I can compost it! 5 things in one! Keeps my produce longer, easy to use, space saving and no chemicals no PLASTICS! Thank you to the genius that invented this product! My produce lasts so much longer, especially the perishable berries and lettuce!!!! A great stocking stuffer for anyone that eats food!!!! - ThatTallLady (
They work! “I've been buying these for years on HSN & they really do make your produce last longer,plus the sheets last a long time. Love to support small businesses & I appreciate that these are compostable instead of more "throw-aways"- iIndys Mom (
FreshPaper "I just wanted to thank you for your Fresh Paper. My husband bought some at Bed, Bath and Beyond. I was skeptical to try them. However, I was getting really tired of costly berries going bad within 2-3 days. I decided to try them, and much to my surprise, my berries are lasting up to two weeks!! I am also using them for bananas, salad, and veggies now. Your product is saving us a ton of money! I love that it is natural and safe for our food. Thank you for creating this amazing product. We will always use them in our home." Patricia F. (Bed Bath & Beyond)
These are truly AMAZING “These are truly amazing..they perform better than advertised (really). My bagged and loose veggie's stay fresh literally 2-3x's longer. Same thing with my refrigerated fruit. No more throwing things out because I can't eat them fast enough. Just slide a sheet in a fridge drawer and you're good to go! No more limp carrots or celery . No more sad sack salad greens. No more potatoes that get soft or berries that go moldy or yucky in a week. I can even slide one of the sheets inside a grocery store container of fruit or veggies if that's what I need to do. And they really do smell like maple so it's easy to know when to replace them (no smell means it's time to replace). This product is seriously the real deal and I am a complete convert. You will be one too!!” -inSF (
So good “These really really work!! Couldn't believe it - took them out of the pack and threw into the fridge, and put a paper with bananas on the counter . everything stayed fresh for DAYS. so cool” - GigiA76 (
WOW! it works “I've used green bags and boxes all with the promise of making produce last and they always failed. These work! My produce lasts twice/three times longer than when I don't use them. I will continue to use/purchase and recommend.” - LFuqua (
Incredible Product “Best produce saving product ever! Buy this product!” - LovetoshopRN (
Amazing and worth the price “This keeps my veggies fresh, bread looking great and I have less waste. In addition I can also put it in my horse feed bins to prevent mold and keep my very expensive feed fresh. Also works in my tack trunk for keeping carrots and apples looking great! Worth every penny!!!” - Horsemom 1234 (
Have ordered before, it is great! "Ordered this previously, never dissapoints, great!" - betty S. (
Fantastic "Really extends the the life of your fruits & vegetables. Worth every penny spent." -Joy Baumer (
Works great! “I've used Freshpaper to keep greens and berries fresh for as long as possible. I was surprised at how much longer I was able to enjoy the produce which normally would have been thrown away due to spoilage. This product really does work and is easy to use. Highly recommend!” - ayw92 (
Saves me money! “I put FreshPaper sheets in with all of my berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) and they stay fresh twice as long. I am no longer wasting money by throwing out produce that didn't make it through the week.” - Anonymous (
Fresh Paper is FRESH!! “I am a big fan of Fresh Paper! I love adding organic berries to my yogurt and salads and Fresh Paper certainly allows me not go the the market so often! I simply put a sheet in the "clam shell" and the fruit stays fresh a lot longer. I also put a sheet in my refrigerator fruit and vegetable drawers to keep everything lasting longer. I have recommended this product to all my family and friends. So far, everyone agrees with me!”- NancyL1140 (
Great Product! “I use FreshPaper for all my produce and it really works to extend its life, which is important to me since I'm single and it takes a while to get through a bag of salad items or carton of berries. I love that it's a natural product so I am comfortable putting it with my food and in the refrigerator. I recommend it to all my friends!” - JCM2 (
Really Works! “I was skeptical but I bought them about 3 months ago because I liked the idea, I hate to waste food. Well they do work and I have just ordered more. So simple to use, I actually write the date on the back of the sheet when I deploy it and after 30 days I check to see if they still smell and don’t replace them till the smell of the sheet is gone. I keep a few of them in my refrigerator crisper drawer which is always full of fruit and vegetables and I also keep a sheet or two in my fruit bowl on the counter. I have also cut the sheets to fit into a smaller container of fruit.” - BinnyB (
Keeps bread items fresh "Breads I buy have no Preservatives, so it is imperative that I have a item that will deter the growth of mold. And this product does a very good job of it!" - Martha (
Great product really works. "This product really works. It extends the life of the food. Extra value added because sheets are large and can be cut smaller for multiple packages. I use in bread bags & plastic clam boxes from the bakery. Keeps baked goods fresh for longer period."- Laura C. (
Really works! "I initially saw these, and the inventor, on a TV show "Innovation Nation". We were always tossing out moldy bread, because there is only 2 of us and the bread would go bad in a short period of time. We would have to put the bread in the refrigerator to avoid spoilage. I don't like refrigerated bread, it always "stales" the bread. I used the Freshpaper Food Saver and I have to say, I am impressed. For the first time, we got through an entire loaf of bread, without having to refrigerate the loaf." - Hatties Mom (
A real good product. "This great product has saved me so much money. Great for all my baked goods. You can cut the sheets for small items. They last a very long time. I have been using this product for 2 years." - Peggy Sunshine (
It really works! "I don’t know how this works, but it really does! My produce, when bagged up with Fresh Paper really last so much longer! Even lettuce and fragile herbs like Cilantro lasts weeks longer! This is amazing stuff!" - Christina Liu (
Good stuff "Keeps items lasting for layer usage. Freshness couldn't be better." - Me (
I will continue to buy "These sheets really work! I've ordered several boxes." -Cindy L Marsh (
They work! "I have used these “Fresh Papers” for years and so happy to have found them again. They really do extend the life of fruit, vegetables and bakery items. Never want to be without them." - Helen H. (
Really works to keep bread fresh! "I have used FreshPaper for fruits and vegetables, so I wondered if this new product would work for bread. I was really pleased with how well it worked. I had some fresh bagels from my favorite local shop - usually they mold within a few days but when I put a piece of Freshpaper with them they were still fresh way longer than I expected! It also tested a piece with some dinner rolls I baked myself a few days before Thanksgiving. The ones I didn't bring to the dinner stayed fresh all weekend and I could use them with dinner the week after!" - C. Elizabeth (
Fantastic Product “With the current pandemic going on getting to the grocery store is impossible! These sheets have been a lifesaver! I have put them in all of my produce, checked cilantro just yesterday, still fresh after 3 WEEKS!” – Seher (
Keeps veggies and fruit fresh “This is the second package of Freshpaper I have purchased. I find they keep greens from browning so fast and fruit seems to keep longer. I use them in the refrigerator and out. I like that they are natural and have a pleasant smell that also indicates it is still working. They seem to last for many days. Even weeks. I recommend them.” - Shelley Seitz (
Superb Product “Fresh paper where have you been all my life? Wonderful product. Right before pandemic lockdown here in NYC; unable to go out & get ricotta cheese. Previous 2 weeks had bit of left over ricotta cheese I cut a piece of fresh paper on top. Guess what? The cheese was still fresh!!!! It has saved me $ & time. Thank you Fresh paper especially in these quarantine times.” -JDCF (
Works really well "They seem to be working great. Just had raspberries that lasted a week and a half. They stayed firm and no mold. That’s impressive. Will use from now on" - Beth Aroyo-Mirowsky (

“The chemical industry surely doesn't share this young woman's ideas and intentions, but the product is long overdue and its purely natural ingredient composition is outstandingly effective. The Fresh Paper actually works as claimed! I've already saved a lot of food that used to go bad and would need to be composted, so really love the product. Have even taken the time to recommend it to all my friends and nutritionally-oriented contacts.” -Erico (

Big Money Saver “ I purchased these last month. They do exactly what they claim. I just ordered the set that includes the bread savers as well. I have always used the produce saver bags in the past, which work well. These are just so much more convenient to use. I love them. Thanks so much for a great product!!” - Mom Mom Jackie (
Fresh Paper 32-Piece Produce Saver Sheets Shipped “Fresh Paper 32-Piece Produce Saver Sheets - I have just gotten them and using them now, they seem to work surprisingly. I think I made a good buy. Thanks!” - Anonymous (
So Far; So Good! It's working! Noticed my lettuce, blue berries and celery are staying fresh longer. - April (
Amazing.......”Wasn’t sure about these but I have had avocados on the counter for a week with one of these papers on them. It’s been in the 90’s, no air conditioning and the avocados are still good. Highly recommend!” - spare mev (
I Love These “I've been using Fresh Paper for years. I buy fresh organic blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries every week. I just add half a Freshpaper sheet to each plastic clamshell package and the berries stay very fresh in the fridge- much longer than without using the paper. When you use the Freshpaper you do need to make sure there is some air circulation. When I have used a sealed refrigerator dish with the paper, moisture builds up in the dish and spoils the fruit much sooner. Moisture build up is the enemy. I also use the paper in my fruit bowl on the counter to keep apples, oranges, etc. fresh. Thanks for making this product and saving me money!” - vettelvr (
Keeps the Bananas for 1-week “I’m so glad I purchased this! Now no more brown bananas!” - tvgifting (
Works “I hope this clearance price doesn’t mean you will not have these anymore. I am still on my first order but I ordered these because they were cheaper. I had never ordered these before because I use lock and lock and thought I didn’t need them. Then I remembered the bananas on my counter and other food not in lock and lock. The bananas do last longer. I was surprised.” - elephant lover (
Works For Us! “It truly does extend the life of our produce. It takes days longer before the lettuce will start to wilt and turn brown. Just ordered more for me and my mom.” - SueB234 (
They Work “I was dubious at first but purchased them and have been using them about a month. I can say my fruits and vegetables are lasting longer so we are eating them and not tossing them. The sheets have a very pleasant smell like maple and you can cut them to fit your boxes. I will buy again when I need them. Recommend them to all my family and friends.” - Silkeej (
My third reorder “These sheets have become a regular part of storing anything going in the refrige.They can be customized by just cutting or tearing, and the current size is perfect for most drawers and compartments in the refrigerator. And the fact they can be composted makes me happy too. Would love this Item placed with regular 6 month auto reordering.” - Mountain Granny (
Great Product “I have purchased Freshpaper several times.....these sheets are magic sheets for your produce.....especially strawberries. When you live on a senior budget, you need to make your food last. By using Freshpaper....I can make my strawberries last a week. Fresh strawberries every day for breakfast. Thanks so much for bringing this product to In the Kitchen With David.” - Codny (
Do Work “I like these. At first, was not sure. But, after using for while, they do seem to make my cut up fruits last longer. I also put inside my berry containers. Glad the price dropped, because they were too expensive & do not like to re-use. I cut them up in halves or thirds. Just put in a new order.” - HvaHrt19 (
Amazing “I’m thrilled and disappointed all at the same time! I was able to buy these at a phenomenal price and sad they’re being clearances. These sheets work! Don’t ask me why or how. I just know you put a whole or half sheet in or around your fresh produce and it slowed down the ripening! I love this product! So glad I tuned in when I did to get more!!! - eavieb (
Great Product “I bought these a little over a year ago and love them! They keep our produce fresher for over a week. I hope they never stop selling these asI can't be without them! -crabbyd (
Fresh Paper “I place 1 in each crisper and write the date on it. They work great for me. I buy from Sams Club so it’s larger quantities. No issues at all. They save me money Just placing my second order. Buying 2 packs this time while they are reduced” - keno0621 (
Huge money saver!!! “LOVE these!!! Saves my fruits and veggies for WEEKS longer!!! Have sent to my sister and also aunt with the same results!!! Follow directions and you are golden!!! BEST money saver ever!!!” - Happyfeetllm (

These Work “The sheets fit anywhere you need such as in lettuce bags, strawberry cartons, etc. Drop one in a bag of potatoes and they are still fresh weeks later. Worth the price.” - D. Winter (
Fresh Fresh Fresh “I was not a believer in this product, I have now bought several. I waited to see if they work and YES they work fantastic. My tomatoes last for about 3 weeks on the counter. I have them in the Refrid. and my veggies last weeks longer. Great product.” -16Paws (
they work Great “These sheets Work as advertised. So glad I bought a second one.” These sheets Work as advertised. So glad I bought a second one.- spaceranger (
I was skeptical… “If you are expecting this product to keep your produce fresh and in pristine condition for months, you will be disappointed. They are a little pricey, but when you consider they are reusable if they still retain the scent, it's very cost effective. I used them and i never, never get to finish my fruits and vegetables and most of it gets tossed because they go bad. THAT is such a waste of money considering how much everything costs now. I kept my cilantro and bananas for a little over a week and berries for almost 2 weeks and i STILL have some apples, lemons, limes that are still in good condition.” - Evie2 (
perfect bananas “I read all the bad reviews, but decided to try these sheets out. Well!!!!! to my surprise, they really work. I bought banana's early this week along with peaches in my fruit bowl. Well the bananas are still yellow and the peaches are perfect. Usually peaches get brown patches on them and , of course, we know what happens to bananas. A must buy. - quintano (
It Works!!! “I love this product because I saw positive results in my refridge produce drawers. And, it’s so simple to use. It absolutely works for me! Been using it for years after I found it on HSN and now QVC! Please QVC I hope you continue to offer this product! The woman, Kavita Shukla, who is the owner & CEO of this company began working on this product since age 12 yrs. She just never gave up & kept forging ahead! What a inspiration for someone to look up to for young ladies & girls.” - Diane2018 (
Top Marks “We bought the Honey Bells back in February when we received them we put the Fresh Paper in with the Honey Bells now is Memorial Day weekend and still enjoying the Honey Bells.” - numbersqueen (
This Really Works! “This product saves me so much in waist up fruits an veggies. With only 2 in the house and trying to eat healthy....this keeps our produce fresher longer. I don't want to be without it!” - Hoosier (
Excellent Product “I was surprised to watch the foods in our refrigerator vegetable drawer last so much longer. This product should come with refrigerators at the time of purchase.” - physical (
Great Product “I had my doubts and was hesitant buying but so glad I did. They prevent my fruit, especially the bananas, from ripening too fast. Glad I purchased two packs!” - shortie grandma (
Use them daily “Helps fruit & veggies last longer, use them everyday” - jpwTX (
Excellent “These are excellent. Better than another popular brand. I always have trouble with my spinach staying fresh during the week. These help immensely. Seriously. I’ve tried another brand and it doesn’t compare to this. No joke. Super good.” - Missy from MD (
Fresh Produce “I couldn’t believe it. My apples and oranges held up longer then I thought it would. It already had said, the bananas had no effect. I put a piece of foil over the tips of my bananas, then put one of the sheets in between them. It works for me.” - Pinkie55 (
these really work “have ordered these many times...they work...have to change them out if they get wet from produce...but I usually cut them in half and place in open bags with veggies...give them a try…” - wojay (
SHOCKING RESULTS!!! “ I can't even imagine how much money I wasted on produce before these sheets. JUST IN LETTUCE ALONE!!! This product definitely pays for itself!!!” - NOLAgirl2 (
Great! Wow these really work well. Save a lot of veggies for us that normally would go bad in a few days. Will buy more. - Mec301 (
Wow. Fast delivery “Received my item very quickly. I can’t wait to try my fresh papers!” - Christy0211 (
These Are A Must “I have been buying these for years from the giant online company. Glad to see them on QVC as price is comparable. These will keep fruit fresh forever! I have literally had raspberries last more than a week!! You can reuse each paper multiple times and can be cut to fit any container. They will end up saving you money and wasting food! I don’t use the bread ones as much but they work well also! They have a slight maple fragrance but it does not make food taste different. All natural!” - Mave (
Been Using For Years…- too.I first started using these a few years ago when they were offered on HSN. Someone needs to let David know that the bread sheets are not new. They have been around awhile . These sheets are amazing. I cut the sheets to fit the amount of produce I have. I do the same with the bread sheets too.” - pookie53 (
Product "I’ve actually been using fresh paper for a long time when I first saw it on QVC. I wish it came in bigger pieces so that I could just cut it to size, but it really helps and extending the shelflife of salad mixes and then there is one just for fruit I believe and there was also one to extend the life of cheese, I’ve tried them all in like them And will continue to purchase them." - Lady Orena (
Makes A Difference “Now that I'm having to shop-ahead for groceries ...I'm using these and they are helping my vegetables and fruits last longer! And bread too! Great invention!” - MrsLWH (
Thrilled to see it in QVC again - “I’m so glad this product is on QVC. “I used to pick up at my local grocery but then they stopped carrying. I really use it a lot in the warmer months with my farmers market produce. We are a small household so it helps for stuff to last longer as we cannot always keep up! It’s worked very well for us.” - MCinb'more (
Works for me.... “I've used the fruit/veggie one in my crisper draw for strawberries, mushrooms, lettuce and other veggies and it works great. No fuzz on the berries and they're not getting mushy either. I bought more berries than we could eat in 2 weeks and they're still good. Also used the bread one. My daughter takes her lunch to work (working from home now) and the large pack of rolls she bought are staying fresh and soft. Glad they're working for my needs and saving me money. Give it a try. If it doesn't work for you, send them back within 30 days, mark as defective and you won't have to pay return shipping and you'll get a full refund.” - VGY (
Really works! “I love FreshPaper! As a single person cooking for one it can be difficult to get through produce quickly, and in the past I would end up having to throw away greens, berries, fruit, and tomatoes because they would go bad. Not anymore! My produce lasts much longer and I'm no longer wasting money/food! I love that it is all natural, so no worries about placing it directly in a bowl or container with my items. Smells great, too! - JCDC (
Amazing food saver “I bought Fresh Papers from QVC a few months ago and have been using them in the refrigerator. I can definitely see a difference in how fresh my vegetables are keeping. I am getting days longer than usual. It is a great product!” - etosca (
Best invention since sliced bread! “I was very hesitant to purchase these as I have bought things before I won’t mention names however the containers the bags they don’t work. These papers are the most amazing invention I’ve ever seen. I buy muffins at Costco and you know you have to buy 12 well only one person in my family eats them and so before you’re done with the first one the other ones already hard and gone bad. We’ll just stick a shade of the paper in there and it lasted the whole month and I mean as fresh as it was the day I bought it. I also bought the vegetable and fruit and it literally kept my celery as crisp as it was the day I bought it like 40 days later it was still crisp my carrots were not wilted, my artichokes were even like brand new I even thought I would stick it in a bag of potatoes because I’ll never go through that bag before they start to get soft in those little I don’t even know what you call them a little sprout he things I kid you not it’s been five weeks and they’re still hard and there’s no little sprouting things they’re amazing I can’t say enough. This will truly be the best investment you spend your money on and will save so much money in the long run I only hope they invent one for deli meats and cheeses because I buy a lot of that and they only stay good for 3-4 days it would be nice to have one that lasted seven or eight so by and try it you have nothing to lose.” - Rinkydink68 (
Wow! “These magical sheets keep my veggies and fruit fresh! Don’t hesitate! They’re awesome.” - Jen413 (
These really work! “Where they have had the best success is in extending the life of fresh berries. I am no longer throwing out moldy berries after only a short time. I have had success with them in bags of lettuce, and also bread. I thought they were expensive at first, but now I see their worth.” - Zoelle (
Very Effective!! “I have not yet used the Fresh Paper for bread, but the Fresh Paper for produce has been very effective! There are only two of us at home, and I buy food in reasonable amounts, but many items spoil before we can eat all of them. I put these sheets inside the containers of tomatoes, blueberries, raspberries, in the fruit and vegetable bins in the refrigerator, and in the basket where I keep onions, potatoes, garlic, etc.. I am 'blown away' buy how well these work! These will pay for themselves. The reality of wasting less food is very rewarding. Every holiday season I give girlfriends a "Product of the Year" gift. This will be this year's useful gift.”. - LASB (
So Great!! “I think these are wonderful! Keeps my bread good for two weeks. Extends the life of the vegetables!! - jml123 (
It really works “I love everything about these Food Saver Papers. They work as advertised. I've ordered another set so I won't run out.” - Vicki Barber (
IT WORKS “You can cut the sheet into smaller sizes if the product is small. Always try to buy the most recent fruits and vegetables. It really helps to put them in a container that spread them out a bit.” - Beverly Hayes (
These work! “I throw half a sheet into my fruit bowl and my fruit stay fresh for a long time! I also cut these into quarters and store my vegetables too. I love these.” - Jackie.S (
No More Repurchasing “These little veggie protectors I first saw on QVC. Thought I'd try. These are great!! So impressed how well my vegetables and fruit stay fresh. This is why I purchased more. I put a Sheet in my lettuce crisper, a half sheet in the blueberry container. I don't keep any veggies In the plastic bags we use to bag or veggies. Place a couple sheets in veggie drawer. Put a sheet in my fruit bowl on counter and so impressed how long every stays fresh and does not over ripe. Will buy more when needed. And I tell my family and friends about this great product!!!!” - Amazon Customer (
It Works! “I was surprised at how well this product worked! I always lose spinach in 5-7 days, I think I'm up to 10 days and it's just now starting to wilt and brown. Put the sheets in with berries, extended the life of those too. Very happy with this product and it's life span, will order more when they run out!” -Amada (
It really works. “I love this stuff. It really works. It doesn't keep produce indefinitely, but it does add at least a few days extra.” -Amy (
Really Good Product “Found Fresh Paper at Whole Foods and have been using it ever since. They ran out of the product at the store - but Amazon had them in stock (thank You, Jesus!!!) I've noticed that the produce lasts a lot longer in my refrigerator when I use Fresh Paper. I would definitely recommend it to anyone.” -Joanne S. (
These Work Great to Preserve Produce “We eat a lot of fresh produce and are careful about cleaning everything but berries when I return home from the marketing. I keep these in the produce bins and the fruit and vegetable bowls and produce seems to last longer. Also, a pleasant aroma.” - Anastasia Beaverhausen (
WOW! These work GREAT!!! "Don't hesitate, buy these now! OMGosh! I used to purchase the green round flat food savers that probably got bought out or something as I can't find them now. I'm sorry but I can't recall name but missed them immensely until I found these little puppies). We were not expecting such a wonderful outcome with these as they were only paper, or so it seemed. We put them to the test and voila, they work so well we're back for more! Thank you TONS for offering these on Amazon!! We're customers for life now, unless you change the formula one day down the road. That would be sad. High fives to you guys! You nailed it on this one!!!" - Diane (
Saving Me Money “Trying to keep fresh produce from rotting costs me money. I came across this product, my local store ordered it for me and I'm impressed. I tried green bags (not so good), Tupperware (so-so) but this works. Produce won't last forever with this but it's something I like.” -Nana (
Worth the purchase! “Fresh paper really works. I love fresh produce but hate throwing it away because I don't use it immediately. This keeps it fresher longer and I am glad I tried it.” -Angela (
work great “I'm not sure what kind of Voodoo Magic they contain, but these things work great.” – ghostrider (
Keeping produce picked from the garden fresh after it is harvested for many days “I liked that the Freshpaper food saver sheets kept my garden produce fresher to last longer before using the produce. I liked that it is a natural product, reusable, recyclable and saves money. It also has a pleasant odor.” - Luanne Long (
Amazing! “I was very skeptical and wasn't sure if these would really work. I decided to try them out and I am amazed! They really do help keep the veggies in my fridge fresh longer. I will absolutely buy them again!” - Natalie Glover (
So pleased with this product! “I am having great success with this product. It has kept blueberries, strawberries and lettuce so fresh. I'm so glad I made this purchase. I have to admit, I was skeptical but now I'm a believer!” - Terry Kraus (
Keeps produce fresh so easily! “I love how easy it is to use Fresh Paper! I put 2 sheets in my fruit and vegetable drawers in the refrigerator. They keep everything so fresh way longer than the manufacturer says.” – Cassmkg (
Food saver/ environment friendly “I love it. I use it in every place possible- all refrigerator drawers, onion basket, containers with fresh herbs( I cover the paper with paper towels) , etc. I reuse them several times until I feel there is no scent.” - Shoshana katz (
Satisfied “Have used Freshpaper for about a week and so far it is as promised. Fruit is keeping nicely. Was starting to get fruit flies when I received the Freshpaper but when a sheet was placed in the fruit bowl, the fruit flies disappeared and haven't seen one since.” - Amazon Customer (
How it works, I don't know. But it does! “It's like magic! I have central air but live in coastal ga. Humidity and heat things sour very quickly even in the fridge. This helps keep lettuce peppers carrots at least a week longer.” – Risie (
They really work “I wasn't sure if these sheets would really work, but since I have such as problem with bananas ripening so fast I thought I would give them a try. And yes!!! They work. I bought 6 green bananas on Saturday and normally my Wednesday they would be yellow with a few freckles. But, today they are just yellow and still firm. YES! I did however cut a sheet and laid a strip on top of the bananas. My son was surprised too. He usually takes 2 bananas to work and shocked they were still ok. So, I would definitely recommend and reorder these sheets.” – Rickie (
Does the Job “I have been using FreshPaper for several years for my produce. I live alone, and buy a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. These food saver sheets do what they say; they keep everything fresh, much longer. This includes refrigerated produce and non-refrigerated. I feel that these sheets help me to save money, and extend the quality and life of the produce.” – Alex (
It Works Beautifully “FreshPaper keeps the fruits and vegetables so much fresher. It works even better than expected. My advice: Buy it!” - Kindle Customer (
This really works “I saw this on TV on a program about innovation -- Thought I would give it a try -- And it works - Keeps vegetables fresh longer -- I am paticular about fresh vegetables and had to throw a lot of produce away before discovering Freshpaper. It is fantastic.” - Amazon Customer (
Wow!! “Wow!! Just buy these! They definitely work as advertised!” - Jeffrey P. Luchini (
Keeps my produce fresh twice as long!! “I love these! I'm not shopping as often so what I buy has to last and these really help! Thank you for a fine product!” - Marilyn Mooneyham (
Local Product - that really does work. “Developed by a resident here in Howard County, Maryland ....I was skeptical at first but it really does prolong the life of your fruits and veggies. I have been using it for years. Keep a sheet or two between some paper towels in your produce draws. I tried with and without and it does work. The bread paper is pretty good too if you keep your bread in a basket or bread box. Helps the stuff without.”- WMD/B&O Guy (
Just try it “This stuff really works. We put a torn off piece inside each and every package of greens, celery, asparagus etc and nothing rots! Seriously. It is amazing. Just try it and you won't be disappointed. We are on about our 4th package. For us it seems to work best if we make micro-climates by using a piece in each container by putting a piece in each package. Tomatoes stay perfect. hooray for these people” - Donna C (
love it “I love this product! I can keep fresh veggies in my fridge for weeks. Berries that mold in a couple of days are lasting 3-4 times longer!” - Amazonian Customer ithhb,m (
Extends produce shelf life substantially “I love freshpaper! I've used it outside and inside the fridge. Keeps produce substantially longer without molding/wilting. I label them with a date using pen so I know when time has been up. I usually use sheets two per drawer (one from the previous month and a new one) and half or quarter sheet in items not in a produce drawer. Into the compost they go after 60 days.” – Marjorie (
Actually works “I was skeptical, but these things work. Fruits, berries, and vegetables last considerably longer now.” – CanyonCAZ (
Fresh Paper doubles the shelf life of my veggies “I make a lot of smoothies with fresh baby spinach so I tend to buy the larger containers at Whole Foods or Costco. I throw in a sheet of fresh paper and I don't get the gooey rot that would happen after a few days. I get about 7 days out of the container compared to 3-4 days before the spinach would go bad. Throwing out a lot less.” - Acupunk62 (
The product works as promised. “Fresh Paper has been a wonderful find for me. I love fresh produce and eat it daily, but always had to throw out some because I couldn't use it fast enough. Fresh Paper has extended the "life" of all my produce, saving me money and trips to the grocery or farmers' market. It is so easy to use - as long as the paper smells like maple, it's working. Great product!” - Delores Jackson (
Works great “Bought a big container of spring mix greens edible for 2 weeks!” – WarriorQueen (
This works!!! “WOW, I bought 5 days ago strawberries and with this freshpaper are still fresh like I bought them today. I told everyone I know about it. Amazing product, thank you” - Stan Camelia (
Great “I’ve sent this product to friends and family because I think it works so well!” - Nancy Hogan (
These work! “Bought this for my mother. She absolutely swears by this product, so I restocked for her and will be buying more in the future for both of us!” - Rosemary King (
Lives up to the claims “Strawberries don’t get mold (that can happen in a day), spinach in a bag lasted 3 weeks (I’m not a big spinach eater), cilantro in a produce bag and a half sheet good forever. Well worth the investment.” – kar (
Preserve your investment “When I spend more for fresh fruit and vegetables these sheets help to extend the freshness and quality of my produce! Easy to use and worth the cost many many times over!” – Pam (
Really Works!!! “Have been using Fresh Paper for many years now for both fruits and vegetables and bread. Keeps products fresh and edible for much longer than without it. Has paid for itself many times over in unspoiled and useable product.” - D.S. (
Fantastic Product “This product is awesome. They work well. I put some in my fruit drawer in the refrig and some in the veggie drawer. A bag of green grapes were kept fresh for over two weeks. Celery was kept fresh for 3 weeks prior to my using all of it.” - Retired in comfort (
Works Great for Me “I first bought these from weight watchers and they worked really good so I was happy to find them on Amazon because they no longer sell them. They really worked in the fruit basket I have on the counter so now I tried them in the refrigerator vegetable drawer and its seems to be doing the job. I’m a single person so I don’t use that much.” - Pam Nicoletti (
Life savers “I love this product so much! I always buy a lot of fruits and veggies and they would go bad pretty fast and now when I store the new veggies or fruits I put a sheet in the container or bag and it last a lot longer! My tip is to pat dry the produce first so the sheet won't get wet.” – Eve (
Great food saver! “Honestly don’t know what it is that makes it work but it does ! I’m a very picky eater. If I see spinach or lettuce getting soggy I can’t eat it. Unfortunately with most bagged produce they tend to get soggy fast. Ever since I’ve started using these sheets the lettuce and spinach last much longer. I can actually finish a full bag without getting any soggy pieces . A sheet last a month so if you have it in a bag and finish the bag in 2 weeks just take the sheet out and throw it in a new bag of lettuce. Two or maybe 3 orders of these sheets will let you a year or longer. Definitely worth the money instead of wasting food .” - steve Betancourt (
Amazing - “I was totally surprised using these sheets. Strawberries usually are spoiled within a day or so. Placing one of the sheets in the container has made my strawberries for days. I also put one in a salad I sent with my husband to work on a Friday. He didn't eat it and forgot to bring it home. He brought it home on Monday and the salad was still eatable.”- edskat (
Really works! - “I was skeptical when I first bought this, however it actually works great! I buy lots of fresh vegetables & fruit from big club stores and since using Fresh Paper I haven’t had to throw any of it in the trash. I even use this for the packaged fresh herbs. The Fresh Paper for baked goods also works great! I usually cut the Fresh Paper in half & put it in the bag of rolls or loaves of Italian bread and they stay fresh longer!” - funstuff5 (
Best product ever!! - I have used both the sheets for veggies and fruit and the bead sheets. They both work amazingly!! They keep EVERYTHING fresher for much longer! I love this product! - rexkoolmya (
I am Coming Back for More! - “I have been using these for about three months and am very satisfied. I have had my share of products that never delivered, but this is not one of them. I have had success with veg and bread, both have stayed fresh for at least two weeks. I have found the sheets to be very helpful as I can buy more fresh bread, veg and fruit in these days of limiting trips to grocery store. I will be gifting these at Thanksgiving and Christmas.” BillyFish (
Have Bought Over And Over! - “ Have used these for a few years. Glad to see the Q now carries them. Don’t understand the bad reviews. You have to be sure you use a big enough piece. I use half a sheet in a bag salad. Works great for berries, zucchini- every thing I’ve tried it’s lengthened the “shelf” life. Love these!” - kefromCA (
Love, Love, Love That These Are Saving Me Money!! - “These are great and last even longer than advertised for me. My vegetables, in this time of grocery shopping as little as possible, have lasted much longer than before! It didn't help the oranges and tomatoes that sit out on the counter in my house really, but everything that I refrigerate has been extended by several days or longer!!! Packages must be opened and you should monitor for no moisture. Definitely discard the plastic produce bags you get the produce in at the store to get the most benefit from these sheets. Also, I have just now started to try the one for bread and cannot say yet if that one has made a difference.” - CBinWNC (
Great Product for busy people on the go “If you want to save money on your essentials that are costly at the grocery store i recomment the assortment pack ! Very easy to use no odor and you can customize it base on the amount of food. Love that its an eco friendly product that saves me money” - ITGIRL (
Works Great! “I bought Fresh Paper when it was on QVC about 2 months ago. I was dubious about whether or not it would work but boy, does it! I had a plastic tub of organic lettuce greens. After opening and using about 1/3 of it, I placed a Fresh Paper in the box and snapped on the lid. I forgot about the greens until 2 weeks later. When I opened the package, the greens were fresh, still crisp and tasty - perfect! I'm a believer” -ChiGsrdener (
These really work! “I just love these sheets!!! I put them with all my fresh vegetables - I've had a huge bag of Kale in my fridge now with a sheet in it and I can't believe how long it's lasted! My kids are all grown now and it's so hard to keep fruit and veggies from spoiling now that I'm not cooking for a family! I also really love that it's made in the USA. I discovered fresh papers a while ago, and was so glad to find them on QVC” - MissMB (
these saver sheets are brilliant! “This is my second set of Fresh Paper saver sheets, they work wonderfully, I love that they are organic, and have recommended to my family! Brilliant product” - Margot123 (
Excellent Product! “I have been using Fresh Paper products for years- love that they are expanding their product line and vendors! Great product, appealing smell and inspiring company mission. Easy to cut the sheets in half and get twice the bang for your buck. Highly recommend.” - TSD8 (
Love Freshpaper! “I've used Freshpaper for a few years and it has worked great. It's been a huge help when buying berries and fresh herbs. They've also helped my salad greens last longer than they normally would have! The papers have a pleasant smell and I've never noticed it transferring onto any of my fruits or veggies - when the smell fades, though, it's time to replace the sheet with a new one. They are easy to use and I especially love that they're all natural and recyclable when you're done using them. They cut down on my food waste so much that I gave Freshpaper as gifts to my friends for them to try! I'm happy to see that they now have a product for breads. I'm looking forward to trying those!” - Ryn8921 (
Fresh “I purchased the saver sheets and they really work! I cut strips of the bread safer sheets and placed in my bagels and whole grain bread. To my sheer delight they indeed kept my bagels and bread FRESH! Would highly recommend them!” - Anonymous (
Wonderful product “Love this product..they kept my bananas fresh for 3 weeks, wish I had known about them before.Plan on buying more.- rockett (
I Hope Never To Be Without These!! Oh my goodness!!! These are the best invention ever! I put a small portion of one paper in a bag with an open avocado and it looked like it did two days ago! No brown!! Perfect! Think of the money you can save with these! All the waste - gone! Mushrooms and lettuce perfect. I have no idea what people are saying about a maple taste. I tried to find some sort of maple taste after reading some of the reviews and I could not taste anything but fresh produce!! These are great. Thank you QVC for supporting a small business and bringing these to us!” - happyd (
Wow It Works!!!! No Chemicals no Plastics, Hooray! “I put the papers in my fridge just like a dryer sheet, placed it on the shelves and the crisper drawers! Wow!!! My produce, especially lettuces and kale and the berries lasted so much longer, this product is a real money and time saver as well as no plastics or harmful chemicals!!!! The bread stayed fresher so much longer. I no longer worry about hurry up and eat the berries and bread before it goes to waste. Glad I found Fresh Paper!!!” - ThatTallLady (
Now it's essential! “We have used Fresh Paper for years, and I cannot count how many hours it's saved me from re-washing salad greens and picking out the bad parts! Also great for berries, cherries (they can last weeks) and every other kind of produce. I also have extended the life of jams and fruit spreads by tucking a small piece into the lids (no more mold!). Versatile and innovative, it's been a favorite gift to give.” - NY Salads (
Love How These Work!!! “I'm guilty of throwing away a lot of veg in my time... these keep my mushrooms and peppers fresh for so long! So happy I invested in them” - punkinluv (
Amazing! “I bought a tomato from a farmers market 3 weeks ago...sat it on the counter on top of 1/2 of one of these sheets. I sliced the tomato today - no imperfections in the skin, tastes like I just picked it. These are great! Reordering for friends to share!! - Betty1361 (
Better than the non-see-through containers “I've used these for years...since they came out. I believe that the papers work.” - Cariohkee (
Work Wonderfully Well “I have been buying these since the beginning for myself and family friends they work wonderfully well I just don’t get the people who say they don’t we don’t eat our produce or bread fast enough and these sheets have made a difference all I can think is they’re not using enough or properly only thing is it takes the bananas and the peaches too long to get ripe if you want to eat them right away. As long as you can smell maple syrup the sheets are working replace them if you can’t smell it does not make the fruit smell different put it inside the packaging if you’re gonna put them in the drawer use several!” - Bettylnj (
Extends the life of bread and produce “My mom gave me a few sheets to try, as they worked for her. I am amazed! My sandwich bread lasts, green fuzzy mold-free, until the last end slice! I have also used the fruit/veggie sheets too. It Works. From counter top tomato pints to apples, zucchini, to bagged salads, to blueberries, to blackberries, to cucumbers in the fridge. Bottom Line: I have not tossed out any fresh produce yet. The best part- you can cut them to fit the package. I quartered the produce sheet to fit into the clamshell packaging. I found and purchased the cheese saver sheets too.”- Mooski (
THEY WORK!!! “Okay, I was skeptical. But now I'm a believer. They keep my salad greens from spoiling too quickly. They even keep bananas from ripening too fast!! Same for berries. They're easy to use. There is a smell, but it's not passed on to food. I highly recommend them. I've been recommending them to friends and family!” - Jazzes Mom (
These work! “I throw away produce all the time. I live alone and cannot eat it all sometimes! After 10 days ALL my produce is still fresh!!!! Love this!” - cynjea (
Highly Recommend “One of the best products QVC has ever presented. These really work! Produce stays fresher way longer. This product is sooooo worth the money! When I purchased mine - twice now - only one size. Good to see the different sizes.” - spare me (
Awesome “I’ve always had trouble with the smell of cauliflower. This has solved that . All my vegetables and fruits are lasting longer.” - raytech (
These really work “Fresh packaged asparagus from Costco lasted 2 weeks in the fridge. I just used half of a sheet in the package and the spears are as firm and fresh as when first bought.” - M. Fawcett (
Nice Product for Produce “They do provide a longer life for my produce. In the counter fruit bowl or in the vegetable bin in the refrigerator they do work. Just put one wherever you keep your produce.” – Teri (
HOW does this stuff work?! “This funny paper is great- really does prolong the viability of produce and at today’s prices that saves money too. I cut it in smaller pieces and put them in packages ( especially those supersized packs like from a warehouse store) and in my own storage containers. Try them, you’ll like them! ;)” – Tamalamadingdong (
better than a magic wand “i not only swear by this stuff, i buy it for friends & family! saw recently other types of this is being introduced for different products. i wish the young lady who came up with the original great success, however i have been using this original to keep bread from molding, crackers from going stale and in the deli drawer of the fridge for ages ~ so far, regardless of what i try, it works from berries to shallots & garlic. try it and be both amazed & grateful.” – Babs (
Great money-saver! “These save me so much on veggies because I almost never use the produce as fast as I plan to - but it lasts about 4x as long with even a half-sheet in the drawer (as long as it’s only a few veggies or fruits). I use a whole sheet if I have a lot in there. Saves way more than they cost!” – JustJoJo (
MONEY SAVER! “Keeps fruit and vegetables fresh much longer! Why would you NOT USE THESE! YOU ACTUALLY SAVE MONEY!!” - C Kelly (
Love that maple smell “I like the way it works and the smell. I purchased from another venue and cost more for smaller package.” – Fae (
well worth it “I line my bowls of fruit and veggies with it and place the used ones in the produce compartments of the fridge. I think the paper makes a difference.” - Jane (
These sheets work great “I love these sheets. I use them mostly for my berries but I've also put them under apples and tomatoes (non refrigerated). For the berries I put them in a plastic container (or glass), flat, one level, on a paper towel then put a fresh paper sheet on top and seal with lid. Berries stay very fresh in my refrigerator this way!” – Terry (
ALWAYS works for me “This product absolutely extends the life of produce in my refrigerator and on the counter. I’m talking extends it I weeks not just a day or two. I use a paper towel on top of lettuce to absorb condensation along with the fresh paper to stay crispy for at least two weeks!” – Donna (
Extended life “Keeps thing eatable much longer, both fruits and vegetables. Especially like it for mushrooms, that way when I can buy them at a good price I can buy extra.” – Gail (
Worth the price. “I went to a farmers market and wanted cherry tomatoes. The quantity they'd sell was far more than I could logically consume, but the price for the case of these little gems was so compelling I bought them. I expected to lose almost half of the purchase. I put in 3 pieces of 'freshpaper' and 8 days later I'm still enjoying them. Nuff said. Glad I bought 8 packages of this product.” – Scott (
Fantastic! “I love Fresh Paper -- it really does help make produce last longer, and I've put it in with cheese and cold cuts too. I love the scent of them. They're not scented, but whatever it is that makes the food last longer smells great. reminds me of celery. I use them over and over until I can't smell that scent anymore, then let them go. Great product & fascinating story behind them. I've given them to friends & family for Christmas & gotten rave reviews of how they like them.” – KL (
A Miracle “I cannot stand my fruits or veggies that I purchase going bad in 2 days:-( I'm not rich and I try to eat well... These Fresh Paper are the most amazing creation... I had been using another product that worked well but you had to follow specific instructions and with these fresh papers its a no brainier:-) Thank You for sharing the family secret:-)” – Dian (
Great product for a great price. “I get a lot of produce at the grocery, and it's so easy for it to go bad quickly once you get it home. I cook for myself, so the longer the produce can last, the better. I just put one of these sheets in any container of produce I get, or my refrigerated produce drawers or the fruit basket on my counter, and these sheets keep my food fresher longer, no doubt.” – Mary (
Good product “I love the fresh papers and they do their job in extending the life of fruits and veggies. Very easy to use.” – Denise (
Great Product “These simple sheets keep all my fruits and vegetables fresher longer. I have saved a lot of money using them consistently. I never want to be without them.” -Alanaleah (
Save money “Besides using it in the fridge, I'm using it for onions & garlic, which I keep on the counter. So far, so good.” – Edith (
Great Product “Liked it so much I am sending some out to friends to try out and to a young woman who is a gourmet cook and wine connoisseur and gets paid for her knowledge... she is my best friends son's girl friend... Save your veggies and fruits so you can enjoy without wasting them...” – Dian (
Veggie paper “The order came in a very timely fashion and was very well packed. Am very pleased with the product and service.” -Dona S. (
The product works “Liked and will definitely be purchasing again for myself for my daughter.” - Tulsabrit (
Awesome “Great Product” - angel soft (
It works “Easy to use and works” - BeverlyS (
Great product “Great!” - Joann Stallbaumer (
Love this “Helped keep longer” - KellyAnn McGroary (
Works Great! “It Works to keep fruit and Vegis fresh longer. I love the story behind this product. I am a fan!” - Stu Jacobsen (
Great product! “I have only used this product a few days, but I have noticed a difference when I pull out my produce! I have been eyeing this product up for a while and finally decided to try it and I'm happy I did. I always throw away so much produce because life happens and I end up having to switch up meals and by the time I get to the produce I was planning on using sooner it has already starting going bad to where I can't use it. Now I'm hoping this paper make is last those last few days I need so I can use it as planned and not waste as much! Thank you for making such a great product!” - Amber (
Great product to keep cut fruit and vegetable fresh “Great for keeping fruits and veggies fresh in refrigerator after cutting” - Dylan (
great veggies & fruit saved freshpaper “I like fresh paper to keep veggies fresh” - afa(
Very easy to use! “These papers really keep a salad fresh for a week and produce for over 2 weeks. Easy to use.” - Noeljo (
Works great! “Easy to use and works fantastically! No more veggies thrown out after a few days...great product!” - J. Maclachlan (
They really do work!! “I used to Have these on auto ship. They just stop coming! Fresh paper is a staple in our home. I put them in my produce drawers to keep my vegetables fresh longer. I also put them in my fruit bowls. They really do work!! Please bring auto ship back!” – NanaKimmie (
Great product “Does what it says” - Adeline hall (
Works! “It really works! It kept the cilantro fresh for two weeks!” - Amazon Customer (
Freshpaper Food Sheets “Using these to keep celery fresh. Getting a few weeks before discarding. Working better than wrapping in paper towels in the container.” - Christie J. Walsh (
Worthwhile purchase! “It kept my fruits and veggies fresh for longer than the anticipated time. I was surprised.” -Amazon Customer (
A Must Have for Salad Lovers! “This is a great product that I no longer can be without. We eat boxed greens daily, and these sheets keep everything fresh and crisp. Each sheet lasts through a few packages of greens before they lose the “maple” smell that tells you it’s time to toss.” - KathyB (
Can't live without this product!!! “I have been using this product for a long time and love it. I buy all my fruits and veggies at Aldi's and immediately put a piece of the paper in my fridge drawers, baskets and salad containers so that they don't spoil and it WORKS!!” - Micheline Lavoie (
Helps your greens last longer!! “Love it!! Helps produce last longer, specially if u put it on a prepackaged salad container, or a bag of spinach and the like.” - kiki m. (
It works and it smells great “👍 “ -Amazon Customer(
Freashness “These really work! “My veggies and fruit really do last longer.” - Marcella Stechow (
This really works!!! “I cannot say enough about how great this product is! Being single, I was wasting way too much produce because I wasn't using it fast enough. Fresh Paper has changed all that. The money I save on food I no longer waste makes this product invaluable to me. I tell anyone who will listen all about it. I have even given sheets to family and friends to try. I expect each will be looking to order some for themselves.” - KayBay1096 (
Amazing! “If you start out with really fresh produce, this stuff works! Don't try to save waning produce. I'm amazed at how long my produce, both in the fridge and in bowls out of fridge, remain in perfect condition. This is definitely a winner for anyone who has a hard time using up the produce they buy before it's too late.” - capnjune (
It works! “I just wrote the review for their product for breads. I had doubts. Serious doubts. But I was tired of throwing out food that spoiled before I could get around to using it. Bottom line is, it works!” - Donna (
Works well “Works well” - TreadStone (
Definitely Recommend “Was skeptical. But this really works. Extend fruit and vegetables freshness an additional 7-10 days” - Shirley S. (
Perfect for berries. “I have just placed my second order. I have been using Freshpaper for almost 2 months. Yes it does work. I was shocked that I could reuse it as long as the paper was not stained and still had the smell of maple. I also ordered the large cheese paper. I have 2 test pieces of cheese which I wrapped almost 7 weeks ago and they are still perfect. My biggest surprise was berries. It really extends the life of raspberries.” -BK (
Seems to work! “I have been through a couple orders and it works! I cut the sheets for smaller or short-term uses( like mushrooms) and just keep in the crisper drawer for larger items. I have not noticed any carry over flavor or scent from sheets to veggies. I also put sheets or half sheets near pantry Vegs as a precautionary step.” - DownEaster (
Simple product, big results “Easy to use product that can help save lots of money and prevent waste. Excellent.” - lmmr (
These save waste! “I am a senior and don't use produce as fast as I used to. These little sheets help keep fruits and veggies nice and fresh so I avoid so much waste. I love them and they are inexpensive--a worthwhile product.” - Cindy Williams (
it extends the freshness for fruit “keping fruits, especially berries of all kinds, from spoiling quickly.” - Amazon Customer (
Natural way to preserve foods “Great company and idea. It works great for us.” -Kurt P. (
inexpensive way to keep vegetables fresher longer. “This item keeps vegetables fresh longer. I just pop one in the vegetable bin first of every month.” -Dotty (
Great product. “Great product.” -ronheberling (
Does a good job of keeping my salads and fruits fresh longer. “Great! Good for salads and fruits.” -B. Grant (
Great product “These really work even though I didnt think they would. Worked well for grapes, blackberry. Rasberrys. Blueberry, peaches, bananas..will order more” - ksarmstrong49 (
amazing product, best way to preserve food! “This is the most amazing product I have ever bought! I normally don't write reviews, but this one had to be shared with everyone! We went on vacation and I thought I would test the product by placing a portion of the sheet in an air tight container one filled with grapes and another with strawberries. We were out of town for two weeks, upon return I checked the fruit and to my amazement, the fruit was as fresh as when I purchased it! I could not believe how amazing and true to description this product is! I would definitely recommend this product.” - Mary P. (
Money saver “This product works as described easy to use and fruit especially lettuce lasts for over a month been using for over a year.” - jazzy (
These Work Beautifully “I was amazed at how well these little papers work to preserve vegetables. I was expecting to be disappointed but was pleasantly suprised. They kept green beens fresh for weeks (when they normally get slimey after a few days). These papers are liberating. I can buy a lot of vegetables at once now and not worry that they'll go bad before I can eat them.” - B. Ashford (
They Really do work. “To my surprise, they do work. I had an invasion of fruit Flys and I put one in my fruit bowl and the fruit stayed fresh.” - Cheryl2nd (
want your expensive produce to last? Buy it! “Cut this apple on Sunday this is Tuesday ! It never turned brown! This paper is amazing!” -Jeff (
Better than expected “I use these in my crisper drawers and in my box that I keep onions and potatoes in. Makes a significant difference in the amount of time they retain freshness. Especially for my organic produce which is always more susceptible. I would say it at least triples the days I can use it.” -Bobbie Martin (
New staple “Received these as a gift and just re-purchased; with an extensive garden, these turned out to be indispensable for keeping our harvests fresh until we have a chance to eat or process our produce. We particularly use these to keep salad greens fresh.” - Brie E (
this stuff is amazing “really works!!” -jeanne (
It works “This stuff really works.buying more” -Jay (
Very pleased! “These things really work!” - Serpinius (
Fresh Paper really works! “I bought a large clamshell of fresh spinach from Costco and immediately put half a sheet of Fresh Paper inside when I got home. That spinach lasted 10 days! Usually I'm throwing away soggy spinach after a week but this was good and dry and fresh until the last leaf. I put a couple of squares in my produce drawer too and things simply last longer. Extend the life of your produce and buy Fresh Paper! :)” - Catherine T. (
Extend food from molding quickly “I love these sheets I saw the science behind them on Henry fords innovation nation tv Showa d they work wonderfully. Preserve the longevity and freshness of food in the refrigerator drawers and berries!!!” - renee trivisonno (
Works as expected “Item as described. Fast shipping. Would buy from again. Recommended to all.” - K. Park (
They Really Save Veggies & Money “Love these so much I've ordered for friends.” -dls (
Worthwhile product “We tried "Freshpaper Food Saver" and it really works!” - Cecelia Culpepper (
Fresh paper works “This really seems to do what it says. Veggies last longer. This is my second order. I’ve been using it 8 months” - marjoriem (
Extends Veggies Life “Awesome invention by a young female seeking an alternative to throwing away early spoiled food. This works great and is so easy to use. Just toss a sheet in your veggie drawer and that is it. Our produce actually lasted longer than the fruit, which isn't usual in our refrigerator. Great product.” - Amy T. Janota (
Freshness to the max “Order a package along with the containers I saw in a you tube pantry refrigerator organization video to try. And I am so impressed that these will be in my reorder item list. It kept my diced onion fresh for over 2 weeks in the container. I ordered a set of containers that have little drain shelf and I put the paper under that to absorb the moisture.” – Yolanda (
Freshpaper really works! “I've been using it awhile now, and my produce is staying fresh so much longer! I love fresh produce, but sometimes I overbuy, or just don't use products as quickly as expected. I'm sure you can imagine how much wasted produce that is. (And gnats if you aren't careful!)
This has made such a huge difference in my life. It is well worth the cost, as you get several sheets, and you can tear/cut the sheets into pieces. For example, right now I have one beautiful cucumber sitting on a small piece (2 inch square) of Freshpaper, on the counter. I prefer to keep cukes out of the fridge. Without Freshpaper, this would have gotten soft a couple of days ago. It's still firm and lovely. The smell of the paper is maple, and my fridge and kitchen smell like maple. That's lovely. I also ADORE the story of how this product came to be. I plan to try the paper for baked goods.” - J Lawrence (
Fresh Paper Really Works! “Fresh Paper has saved me a lot of money on fresh berries. Without it I would have to throw out a lot after only a couple of days even though I put them in the refrigerator as soon as I got them home from the grocers. I did have to cover the berries entirely with the paper (which lasts at least a month).” - Jay E. Levy (
They Really Work “Dubious at first but gave them a try & they really do work. Happy repeat purchaser.” - Voracious Reader (
WORKS! For real! “These are great! We do a lot of meal prepping and have a lot of fresh ingredients on hand and these work wonders” Richard P. (
It does work!!! “I bought these sheets after seeing a program on the developer of the product. I have had them in my crispers for over three weeks and they seem to be doing the job!!! Everything is staying fresher longer!!!” - Sue Alex (
Keeps veggies fresh longer. “Great for keeping veggies fresh longer in the fridge.” - Jane Frost
These are Great! “Keeps produce fresh - best item for your crisper so you don't waste food or money.” -Deborah D. (
Amazing Product “LOVE THIS PRODUCT!! Use it all the time! Special note, I do cut the sheets and strips! Still works! Sent two packages to my daughter in Japan.” - wesley owens (
Impressive “Wasting fresh fruit has been a problem because the good ones are very fragile; i.e., strawberries and raspberries. Also, some vegetables. When I saw this on Shark Tank, I knew I had to try it. It works--not that you can leave the fruit an unreasonable length of time, but the sheets extend the days that the fruit will last. Remember, don't wash the produce until you're ready to use it. It may seem like $10 is too much to pay for some sheets of paper, but it's worth it to keep things edible for a longer time.” - Donna from CA (
A new awesome discovery “Good to have if you do not eat up your fruits & veggies quickly. I even cut the sheets in half when storing smaller amounts and the sheets worked well to keep my fruit/vegetables fresh.” -Amazon Customer (
They work! “These indeed work to keep my veggies and fruit fresh longer. They get mildews after a few weeks and need replacing. They do smell like maple syrup.” - Soccer Mom (
Works great “Works well .” - C. Belcherbrickell (
Really works!!! “These really keep my vegetales and spinach fresh. I put one right on top of my spinach (16oz spinach container). And it keeps for over a week. Even the very bottom of the container is still fresh. Will purchase again!!!” - mick04u (
it is as advertised. “Used it to keep fresh fruit edible a lot longer is great with berries” – avidreader (
Works great “Good product” - David Cobb (
Unbellievable “Using these really adds days on to vegetable life. I think my sunflower sprouts lasted a week longer than they would have otherwise. All the skeptics I introduced to these were amazed. Great product.” - Barbara S. (
Really works! “Helps preserve vegetables in the crisper.” – ZzieZou (
It works! “I keep a sheet in the chiller drawer in the fridge and have noticed general increased longevity of the fruits and vegetables in the drawer. It kept strawberries good for a week, none went bad!” -vw (
Works “These kept raspberries fresh for 2 weeks” -Amazon Customer (
I use these for all my produce storage spots “I go through plenty of these — but they work (!) and I love the passion behind the purpose. I stash them in my fridge drawers, fruit basket, kids lunch boxes, and in the pantry. My produce lasts longer, noticeably fresher, avoids mold and gives me more peace of mind! :)” - L IN LA (
Great “Freshness” - T P (
each sheet is good for one month “i ordered one package just to try it out i love bananas but stopped buying them because had problems with fruit flies well i put one sheet between a bunch of bananas to my surprise not one fly of course the bananas still ripened pretty fast but no flies thats a big plus will order more” - linda Merrill (
Actually work! “Was a little skeptical but decided to try these after seeing a program about the young inventor on PBS. Had not been buying bananas in the summer as they would ripen too fast and turn black in less than a week, but put a sheet under them with this product and they keep their color and firmness for the whole week. A sheet in with lettuce box seems to keep it fresher, too. We will keep using them....” – Psorcon (
WONDERFUL!! “I have been using these for about a year. They definitely help to keep my veggies and fruit stay fresh longer. I will continue to purchase” – Linder H. (
Love these…. “Used these in my crisper drawers and with my fruit and salads. Keep everything fresher longer!!” – Brenda W. (
Wow! You've got to try this! “I started with an order for myself, but very quickly moved to contacting the company and purchasing these food savers to add to every package of my microgreens! I mean, what's the point of healthy produce if you can't keep it fresh long enough to enjoy?” - DeAnn Johnson(
They really work. “Yes, they work. I use one in my container of baby spinach every week and it keeps it fresher than without. You can throw one in your bagged salad too. They last forever.” – Dawn H(
Less Waste “I am a singke male..i don't use all my produce right away. I used to throw away a lot of things. Now they stay fresh waaaay longer. These sheets do exactly what they're advertised to do.” – Pa.Paul (
Saves Money “I stumbled across this product awhile ago on GMA Steals & Deals its the best product Ive EVER bought on that program! This product WILL save you so much money in the long run. As a gardener this is harvest time & all I do is stick a sheet in with fruits or vegetables (even cut up) & they stay "fuzz""free at least a week longer than without, ESPECIALLY strawberries. You wont regret buying these. I throw them in the vegetable bin, bags of vegies & even containers of fruits or vegies, reuse them up to 30 days ( I mark the date on them) This isnt a gimmick!!” - A. luongo (
They DO Work! “Saw the inventor of these on a show and decided to give them a try. They DO work just as advertised!!! Very easy to use and worked on my veggies in the fridge and bananas and apples on the counter. Great product.” – Susan (
Saves Money! “I was skeptical at first as I have tried other products with the same claims. However this produce works great and has eliminated food waste. I have recommended to friends and have bought again.” – BAP (
Amazing “Really prolonged the freshness of strawberries. Just as fresh 7 days later! I am truly amazed.” – Dianne Nonnenmacher (
Best Investment for Fresh Produce“Glad I discovered this! Makes summer fruits last longer!!!” - Mia S. (
Surprisingly it works great!! “Thot this was a gimmick but surprisingly it works! Keep it in the produce drawer and kept everything fresh! Definitely recommend this product!” – nvl (
Excellent product “Does exactly what it says it will do: keep produce from going bad. I use the sheets in the containers of prewashed lettuce/spinach that I buy at the supermarket, and they extend their shelf life significantly.” – EH (
They work! “I have used them for many different kinds of veggies and they work great!” – Smitty (
Really works! “This product really DOES extend the life of ALL produce. I place the sheets in produce packages as well as in the produce bins in the refrigerator.
It IS a bit pricey though.” -Tootsies (
KEEPS FRESH PRODUCE FRESH LONGER “We love that we can cut them for smaller batches of fresh berries! Easy to use and last quite a while. We use them for all our weekly produce. Was looking at produce keepers but decided no mess cleaning up with fresh paper.” - stathom (
Keeps Fruit and Vegetables Fresh “I received a sample package from Weight Watchers. It does a great job keeping grapes and strawberries fresh. Just lay the small sheet of 'paper' in the container with the fruit. I liked it so well, I went online to try and find a source. It's a great product.” - Cwill090 (
best product for fresh vegetables “I have used this product for several years, I have gone out of town for several days or more and the products are as fresh as when I bagged and put in the food crisper in the refrigerator. Will continue using.”- pauline (
It lives up to the hype “The apples have been in the frige for about a month. I'm not certain about the other fruit. Usually our fruits and vegetables don't last that long. I am able to purchase spring greens again. Before the fresh sheets were purchased the sorting greens were routing in 2 days. We had stopped buying them.
As long as you can smell the spicey scent on the sheets , it is good to use. When the scent is no more, replace the sheets. What could be easier?”- Adrianne (
Make your fruit and veggies last longer for sure!! “Love these things - I cut mine and put a strip in each of the bags of fruits and veggies and also lay one in the bottom of drawer... can't believe how much longer my fruit stays fresh -- great buy” - Shelia K Davis (
Easy to Use “Easier to use than green bags. Just throw a sheet in a bin or in a fruit bowl and let it do its thing!”- Carolyn O. (
It’s works “It definitely works and keep the fruits and vegetables fresh” – Hamidreza (
Seems to make a difference “I’ve been using these for years and it seems like my fridge and produce items Seay a lot fresher. Just be sure to use as stated. I do go a bit longer before changing out so it depends on the type and newness of your refrigerator as to how often to change up. I have a fairly new refrigerator so I can go longer. If you have an old model I may change as suggested or sooner.” – joni s (
Amazing “These are fantastic. I am shocked how great they work. I will never not have some on hand.” J Maher (
Work Well, “Fruits and vegetables stay fresh for couple of weeks , specially the berries” – Jessica (
These are awesome. . . “Helps save produce from aging as quickly...” - Amazon Customer (
This product works “I did not notice the smell at all as some people commented. I put one in my fruit bowl and several in my vegetable drawer in the fridge. The fruits and vegetables are definitely lasting longer” – Snapdragon (
This product works! “My strawberries stay fresh for over a week. Amazing!” - Jeanette (
These really work! “I tried these in salad, in fruit and even bread and all of these things lasted longer. I set a tomato on one of these and after on week it still looks fresh.” - don (
This product works great to keep produce fresher longer. “Keep product freshener for longer.” – BK. Sweeney(
To keep my vegetables fresh “Best item for vegetables” – Elizabeth Halbert (
It’s a miracle! “I saw this product advertised a bunch of times and was skeptical. I finally decided to try it after I tossed the last pack of mini cucumbers into the trash after 2 days. Popped the paper in my produce drawers and viola my produce is lasting twice as long. “Pretty cool!” B (
Freshens your veggies “I really like Freshpaper. My vegetables really do last longer with a sheet in the vegetable bin. I have reordered twice.” – Thrifty Sister (
It helps keep fruits and vegetables fresh longer. “I think you should get a few more for the money” – vanessa Lawrence (
NOTHING MORE TO SAY- THESE WORK!!! “This is the best item for preserving fruits and vegetables that I have ever used. I am vegan and tried everything to preserve the life of my food. This tops them all. Do not hesitate, this will save your produce!! Natural, easy and it really works!” – Anastasia B, (
It’s work!!!i “I like it because it’s simple and clean. My lettuce are better and all my berries too. I don’t have to throw away berries any more”- Monica R. Solari (
Really works well with fruit and vegetables, salad greens “Bought based on other reviews and have used them for a few months. Definitely makes my strawberries, blueberries and lettuce last longer. Exactly what I needed!” – rockn robin (
Very effective! “I use this product for ally fresh produce as soon as I bring any produce home. Works effectively!” – Marilyn Lima DeShields (
Keeps fruit fresh “Keeps fruit fresh” – JC (
Really works! “Fresh Paper really keeps fruits and vegetables fresher longer. This is a must-have kitchen item, especially for smaller households. No more limp and soggy lettuce!!” – mousebooks (
Amazing! “Bagged salad poured into a covered bowl with a quarter strip of this product, keeps so much longer! No more wasted money tossing out produce and fruit!” – Brown Eyes (
Its for real “This really works. I've never had lettuce and and asparagus last for so long. Totally worth the buy and I will get again!” – Mindy T. (
Saves on Produce “I have used this product for years. It really does keep your produce fresh. I even line my fruit bowl with it!” – Robin Rodriguez (
Works Better than expected “I always have a lot of fresh veggies on hand and fresh paper has helped keep them from spoiling for much longer. I put half a sheet in a big bag of spinach and it stays fresh for more than twice as long as it did before. Now I always finish the bag long before it starts to show any sign of spoilage.” – Samuel (
These help keep your fresh longer! Great Idea! “I ordered these for my daughters I haven’t heard how they liked but I like mine!” – Barb Holden (
Fantastic product. “Easy to use, does a tremendous job.” Amazon Customer (
great product that works “This product works great to keep fruits & veg. freash for a longer period of time. Use in refrig. or on counter in baggies--helps last twice as long.” – Amazon Customer (
I never have to worry about bread going moldy again “I used these papers in bread, fruit, cheese and veggies. It worked every time. I was very impressed and told others about them.” – Amazon Customer (
Really works! “I have been using these for years and they work well” – Rebecca J. (
Wonderful product extends freshness of produce “Love this product. Really works. You'll notice a difference in the time your highly perishable berries stay fresh. I use it in individual plastic clam boxes & bags of produce as well as laying a piece in my refrigerator crisper drawers. It really keeps produce fresh for a longer time. The sheets are large and can be cut smaller so it's even more of a value because 1 sheet can become multiple sheets. I highly recommend them.” – Laura C. (
These really work. “These came at exactly the right time. All the produce was arriving with condensation. I pour out the lettuce and dry the plastic container. I place a paper towel on the bottom.,pour the lettuce back in and top with a Fresh paper. Good all week!”- Grandma B. (
First time ever that I have not had to throw berries away!!!!! “I loved these and will be purchasing more!!!!!” – Amazon Customer (
Excellent “Easy to use saves space keeps promise” – Practical Shopper (
It works “It works. Keeps fruit and vegetables fresh much longer than without.” - Richard C (
Fresh as a Daisy! “Got tired of mixed-green salad lettuce going bad before being totally consumed! This has helped our salad materials last longer and stay fresher!” – Nanna to 3 (
No More Yucky Bananas “These are wonderful. My bananas and other fruits and veggies keep a week or even two weeks longer than I ever imagined could be done. Just put a sheet or even just a half sheet of this magical paper and your bananas don’t have to get thrown out early. Works for lettuce, tomatoes, others. Put in your veggie drawer or fruit bowl. No chemicals , made of beeswax. Saves money on groceries!” – Dorth (
fruits and vegetables “I love these sheets. They really do keep fruits and vegetables fresh for a long time. I use them with everything.” – Brian (
They work! “I love these. They really help keep produce fresh longer. Highly recommended!” – Elvira (
This actually works! “I can keep my veggies & fruit SO MUCH longer when I use these.” – Sandra L. (
A must have “Fresh paper has saved me hundreds of dollars in produce. Ex: Baby cucumbers go bad in a few days: one of these in their bag will keep them 4-6 days longer. Just a great product.” – T.Hall (
So far good “produce last longer. I do cut the sheets in half to help with cost and we only have a few pieces of fruit at a time anyway.” – LW (
Surprised how well they work “Did not really expect these to work, but the stuff in the crisper really has stayed fresher longer. Recommend.” – Minnie (
Keep stuff really fresh which is important with the price of items now “We use it in the refrigerator in the crisper and with our vegetables on the counter have had bananas last for 15+ days” – Tom Spiers (
It Works! “I was throwing away more leaf lettuce than we were eating until I started using these sheets. I use them for fruits and vegetables. It’s a natural product with no chemicals. The sheets are reusable for 30 days.” – Xfire (
Really works well! “I put these in my fruit & vegetable drawers & in bag salads. Keeps food fresher & it lasts longer. Great Value for the price.” – Ruby Varnado (
They work! “Love them, will be buying more. Kept lettuce fresh for 3 weeks! Grapes for 3 weeks. Tomato 2 weeks Didn't do much for peppers or cukes, but the cuke may be because they were in a separate bag. Either way, I was pleased.” – Reagan W, (
Really Works “Was skeptical ordering at first but these are the best thing keeps fruits and vegetables fresh and no more having to throw spoiled veggies/fruit out” – Ls920 (
Totally worth it. “This saves us a lot of money by extending the life of our produce. We also use the bread and cheese sheets,” – jkbindep (
This really works! “I first bought these off of QVC and loved them bc they really work and save your veg and fruit. But I guess they no longer carry them and I was lucky to find my empty pack and found I could order off of Amazon. I put this in my crisper and I put a sheet in my fruit basket on my counter. All your fruits and vegetables will last anywhere from a week to 10 days longer than normal. A mom and her daughter invented these papers bc veggies and fruits are the largest waste in fresh foods. Try them you won’t be sorry bc they really work and you will save money on your fruits and vegetables!” – SHARON BROWN (
These really help fruit stay fresh longer “I could cut these into squares and put one into all my berry containers and it was amazing how much longer they stayed fresh. I hate it when berries go bad quickly.” – CCHill (
This product really works “I put one sheet in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, and another in the fruit drawer. All else same, there is noticeable difference in the time that veggies and fruits stay fresh.” -Mary J Van Bemmel (
Great and convenient product to keep vegetables fresher longer “This product was so easy to use to keep vegetables fresh that I ordered it for my brother. I highly recommend it.” – Suzanne M. Horn (
My produce lasts so much longer…especially berries and mushrooms “This is best freshness keeper ever. Much better than green bags et al” – Barbara Barbuto (
A true money saver “A friend shared a sheet with me and I was amazed by how fresh my produce stayed! I have already saved so much money from not having to throw away produce! Thank you” – KF (
Great purchase! “They slow down the ripening of bananas, so these are totally a win in my book!” – Erin in Chicago (
Does an excellent job! “Purchased to add to existing supply. Has done an excellent job of keeping fruits and vegetables fresh in fridge!” – Magic Power (
Second time purchasing this product “I love this product for keeping berries fresh in the summer. The berries last longer and don't spoil.” – SO (
Yes it works! “Definitely seeing a longer life on my fruit and veg and it smells delicious. Definitely buying again.” – (Amazon Customer)
So far, these sheets are keeping my produce fresher, longer! “They were easy to size for various containers!” – Janet Poppolardo
Now I’m a Believer “For the price I figured I’d give these a try. I waste so much salad because after 2-3 days it would turn slimy. Putting a sheet in the container has me on week 2 of veggies without the grossness. Very pleased.” Ew.– (
They Work “I've got to say that Fresh Paper works. On fruit like Strawberries which start to turn almost right away actually lasted two weeks, mushrooms turn fast also and they kept fresh for two weeks. All my vegetables in my crisper stayed fresh for better than three weeks.” – Ben (
A little surprise “Loved this product. Vegetables often went bad before I could use them .Fresh glow kept them fresh longer. I reccomend this product!” – Judith Pines (
Buy it “Super easy to use! Was skeptical at first but it works!” – Emily (
Fresh produce for weeks! “These sheets are legit! I kept finding myself throwing produce out because of it going bad, so I searched for a solution to keep my fruits and veggies better for longer. These sheets are super easy to use. I drop one in each of my produce drawers and it extends the life of my produce as much as two weeks. I'm shocked at how well these work, and how much I've saved not having to re-buy the food that spoils. Love them, won't be without them from here on out!” – Heathernes (
They really work! “Extends fridge life of fragile, perishable berries. Should not have hesitated, because they actually work! Great idea with great results!” – Sule
They actually work! “These sheets really work well. I stick them in with fruit and vegetables. I just wish they weren't so expensive. However, when you consider how much produce and fruit costs, it's worth it. I have kept blueberries and strawberries for more than a week with no diminishing of flavor or texture.” - Womie (
Really Works! “Fresh Paper really works! I was pleasantly surprised by how great this stuff works! I have bought this product several times and will be buying more as needed.” – Kindle Customer (
Keeps produce fresh! “This product is easy to use, is recyclable and really keep vegetables and fruits fresh for much longer than normal!” – Clara Barton
Keeps fruit Fresh longer “We eat tons of fruit and veggies in the summer. These little pieces of paper keep items fresher for several days. I simply put one in bowls of cherries,in bag with riping tomatoes.
Will definitely order more. Just wish they were larger.” – KC Dogmom
It seems to make a difference “While not a miracle product these sheets do seem to make a difference for several different types of fresh food. Plus a woman-owned company from the city I miss so much: Columbia, MD. That alone is a win/win. I have ordered these for friends and recommended them to friends.” - WVU Fan (
7 day fruit still perfect “These actually work! My fruit i bought 7 days ago is still like the day i bought it! Wow!” - Bugaboo (
Freshness “I love the fact that my berries last longer. I've also used the sheets for bread and they have helped to thwart spoilage of my baked goods.” – RTV (
Fabulous product! “I used to always have to throw my groceries away. This is a fabulous product! I feel at ease knowing that I am not forced to cook or eat something I don’t feel like because some item I bought would quickly perish. Besides throwing it in the vegetable drawer, I even cut these up and use them inside smaller containers that hold half cut items.” – AT (
Save Your Strawberries “Try and you will be hooked. Your produce lasts way longer by adding these little sheets” – Elizabeth (
Does what it says it does! “This product is amazing! It does what it says it does! I can make a bag of spinach last double the time it normally does. Strawberries and blueberries last SO much longer, as well! As do most veggies and fruit when using this amazing paper!” – Rebecca L. (
Freshpaper delivers on its Promise “LOVE this product. It kept my fresh fruit from spoiling. Our strawberries always seemed to go bad and get that gray fuzzy mold before I had the chance to use them. With Freshpaper, my fruit stays fresh for up to two weeks. Easy to use. You just slip a sheet in the container of fruit, or even used it with Spring Mix. The product is all natural. No chemicals of any kind. I highly recommend this product.” – Carol W (
Amazing Product “These sheets are amazing. Keeps greens for a minimum of a week. The greens stay crisp even after washing. Highly recommend” - Stephen Gilbert (
Great product “Love these. Just put them in ur produce drawers and they keep food fresher longer” – bologna (
IT WORKS! “I bought a large "clamshell" container of baby greens/spinach salad on June 1 and put a FreshPaper inside. Today is June 14 and I will be eating the last serving without having to throw any away. I also still have the last few raspberries from a container bought on June 1 and will finish them tomorrow (June 15). This stuff is amazing.” – Laura A. Lawrence (
Really works! “This product definitely prolongs the life of fruits and vegetables. I have used this product for a couple of years now. You just put a sheet in the refrigerator drawer and let it works its magic. Fairly priced since there are several sheets and they last about 3 weeks each.” - Angela Matthews (
Great product “This works much better than I expected and smells great!” – Michael Ward (
Love these papers “I have been using these for a couple years. They help keep fruits and veggies fresher in your refrigerator. I found them particularly helpful during the past 15 months as I shopped no more frequently than once each week. During all the pandemic time, my produce remained fresh until we could use them. I date the "paper" when I put it in the drawer/bag, or container and exchange them for a fresh one about every 4 - 6 weeks, recommended is 30 days. They are reused if the date is less than a month since first placed. I do recommend them!” – GraceNV (
Great product! “This product significantly increased produce life. Well worth it-saves money, fresher produce.” D. Morton (
I love Fresh Paper “This stuff is amazing. Strawberries were good for over two weeks. Mushrooms too. Even zucchini stayed fresh. Amazing!” – Kelli (
They work! “Really useful for my precious berries, salad greens, and other moisture-sensitive produce. Each sheet i use multiple times until I see some black spots, then discard. Thank you for the great product.” – rshqty (
Worth the price! “Vegetables really do stay fresher much longer! Just put one in the veggie drawer, so simple! Not nearly as many rotten things going into the trash!” – Barbara Pearson (
FOLLOW DIRECTIONS for amazing results “If you follow the directions this product REALLY works. Don't put any produce in your fridge without FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS. Our blueberries usually last 3 weeks. Fresh herbs last 2.
We cut the pads into 4-6pcs & we use a marker on the pads with the expiration date of the pad (30days). We mark the purchase date on the Ziplock Bags the produce goes in. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS=don't seal the bag completely. We put a full sheet in the produce drawer. If you Google "What veggies & fruit give off ethelyne gas (the killer of fruit, veggies & flowers) you'll see how many are listed which is just about everything.
No more finally feeling like eating veggies only to find out they went bad! “Best thing I've ever bought, If you find yourself buying vegetables but never getting to them in time you NEED these!” – Amazon Customer (
Great product in keeping food fresher, longer “My wife started using these sheets and noticed it did make a difference in keeping her strawberries and other vegetables fresher. This product does keep it promise.” – Dale (
They actually seem to work “I use Rubbermaid FreshWorks which works but not as well as I had hoped. So I bought some FreshPaper to see if I could improve on their performance. Sure enough FreshPaper does. I throw a sheet in each FreshWorks and my produce lasts way longer than without FreshPaper. I'm back to buy more.” – Karen G
Great Product “I use Fresh Paper for keeping salad greens, tomatoes and other produce fresh. They definitely work. I have been purchasing them for a few years now, I now buy the 4 pack as I rely on them so much.” -Diane C from EHT, NJ (
yes they work, I can't go without “I have been using these for about 3 years. They absolutely work, a blessing! I have to have them, and they last longer than you might at first imagine. I cut them in half or in quarters depending on the size of the space. Even a 1 inch strip can go inside a loaf of bread. Although this review is under the listing for Fresh, I have tried all three types, for breads, fresh fruits & veg, and for cheese. The ones for Fresh I put one in each produce drawer in fridge, and I leave the lid slightly ajar in the huge plastic container of power / super greens. I am single and my 1 pound box of salad greens stay s fresh a week or more, really great. Crisp and fresh much longer no doubt in my mind, and my years of use are a testimony on behalf of all 3 FreshPaper products. For example, I eat Food for Life brand Ezekiel English muffins every day, and they are recommended to stay in fridge or freezer because they do either go stale or mold quickly if left out. I put a 1 inch strip of Bread product in, and the muffins are actually very moist and even kind of alive and squishy - all week long, 6 days of just-naked freshness. It actually makes the bread fresher than when I come home with it! instead of dry and lifeless without the product, it's fresher in an alive kind of way. I have never noticed any odd flavor, but the smell is how you know when to use a fresh one - if you cannot smell it, it is used up.” – Top Contributor: Pets (
Works Surprisingly Well! “I was highly doubtful that these would work but they’re amazing. I haven’t had any veggies or fruits spoil at all in the weeks since I’ve had them. They work fabulously in the tubs of pre-cut mixed greens - just put one inside on top!” - Jordan (
A+ product. “Here is my review. I bought these on a whim. I bought these because I have always had problems with potatoes, cucumbers and baby carrots. It has been about 2+ weeks. The cucumbers were fine. I punched holes in the carrot bag. Not slimy. Potatoes holding up.” - wayne j. kozak (
So easy and helpful “Love these sheets! They prolong my vegetables turning by at least 4x I put one in my vegetable bin and another in my large bagged salads if I can’t finish them.” – amanda mehl (
Bananas stay fresh for over a week! “My kid likes to spend one week inhaling all the fruit the day I buy it, and then not eating any the next week. The guessing game was painful and expensive when I had to throw out rotten food.
These sheets are a lifesaver! I bought them with low expectations, but I was desperate. They turned out to be amazing! I bought these bananas 9 days ago, and they are just paused at perfect ripeness.
Used the sheet on avocados, and they stretched the usable ripeness time frame from like 2 days to 5 days.” – Sarah Morales
It works! “This product really does seem to keep vegetables fresh longer in the fridge, especially pleased at how long they keep avocados from going bad. I’m on my second order now and will continue using.” – BJ (
It Works “I have been using these paper sheets on my produce and they make a big difference. Great for lettuce, spinach, cucumbers and mushrooms.” – CarolL (
Really works! “I’ve been using these for several years. One pack really lasts a long time.” – Tamara Plihal (
It actually works! “This is amazing! My produce stays fresh for a lot longer! I put a squash in a drawer with a sheet of this and forgot about it for a couple weeks. I just pulled it to throw it away...but it was as fresh as the day I bought it! Incredible! Try this item. It really works!” – beachbum (
Great for Spinach/Spring Mix “We buy those 16 oz boxes of spinach and spring mix, and they used to go bad quickly. We starting using these produce saver sheets, and now we don't have that problem anymore. We throw out the sheets after a month and replace them with new ones.” – TurboShopper (
They WORK!!! “They really do work! Freshpaper sheets REALLY DO keep my produce fresh as much as a week longer than without them.” – Lady of Leisure (
Really extends the life of your produce “I saw this discussed on NPR and immediately
Looked them up. They really extend the life of my bananas, berries and citrus fruit.
I live alone and could never eat it before going bad- now I can. I waste so much less!
Thanks” - JS (
Fresher longer “This item is really fantastic. They will keep your produce fresher longer than anything I have ever seen. In some case it will last two or three times longer.” Chef Pasta (
Fresh fruit “These work great to preserve the freshness of my fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator and on the counter fruit bowl. Well worth the cost.” – seibs (
Great reusable product “I really love this product! I have used it with fruit on the counter (bananas, etc.) as well as things in the refrigerator (directly inside containers of blueberries and raspberries). I find that it does really work in slowing down the ripening (or overripening) process. My bananas take longer to brown and my more delicate refrigerated fruits last longer. Once I am done using it, I either place it back in the package it came in or if it is moist then I set it out on the counter to dry out before doing so.” – kdb85 (
Keep produce fresh much longer! “We use lots of produce. These sheets are great for extending the freshness of all kinds of produce. Since we buy in bulk, that means we have little or no waste from spoilage!” – Aleta L (
It's like magic “We currently use this to help keep the produce fresh for my daughter's lunches and snacks at school. This helps the produce last the whole week. We'll definitely be eating healthier thanks to FreshPaper.” – Aaron Crider
Saves expensive produce “This is a wonderful product. I keep fresh sheets in my hydration’s with the vegetables. Really does help. When I buy berries I cut a sheet in half and place it in the berry container.... keeps raspberries from molding. All berries need to be eaten fresh but raspberries will mold overnight except when I place a partial sheet of fresh glow in the little container. Very useful product.” – Zusu (
True to claim “I was a skeptic but after using it for over a month, I am convinced. This works great with fresh produce, especially greens and herbs.”- Mankutimmi (
These Work Extremely Well “I'm able to keep my vegetables fresh for much longer that usual. They work especially well with celery, onions, green beans, asparagus, and spinach. These are definitely worth it. Much better than having to throw out vegetables that get slimy in a few days.” – B. Ashford
Wow my strawbeeries lasted two weeks. “We have been very pleased with these sheets I Shop at COst so so we get large supplies of fruits and vegetable. I had not been able to keep up eating everything before they went bad. I hate wasting food. With these sheets, we can get through the whole container. Mushrooms, Strawberries, Blueberries, Grapes, Sweet Peppers, Apples, Tomatoes, no moldy of smushy food. I can't wait to share with relatives as Holiday gifts.” – Kindle Customer (
It really works. “I'm amazed at how much longer my greens last with one or two sheets in the plastic bin with them. They are pricey but the money they save makes it all worth it. This is one of the best products I've found in the last couple of years. Try them!” – Happy Sociologist (
Highly recommend to keep fruit fresher, longer. “Really works. I’ve been using them in my crisper drawers and banana basket on the countertop, and they really do keep the fruit fresher for longer. Well worth it.” – Elizabeth (
THESE ARE THE REAL DEAL “This is a product that pays for itself over and over. I initially doubted the manufacturer's claims, but I was really surprised with my very first order. It is amazing how it extends the life of fresh produce. I will definitely continue to reorder this item.” – Betty A. Iams (
Great product “FreshPaper prolongs the life of produce. It's great to have more time to consume food without it spoiling as fast as it normally would. It's also a plus that it is made with organic herbs, biodegradable, and does not harm the fruit or vegetables.” – M Peters (
These little sheets WORK! “I had heard these worked well, and bought some. I tried my own test with two pint cartons of raspberries. I put 1/2 of a sheet in one, and nothing in the other. The raspberries with the sheet stayed fresh and plump, while the other carton started to mold quickly, as raspberries do. I also threw a full sheet in the vegetable drawer, and found out yesterday that I have an ear of corn hidden in the back that I'd forgotten about. It's been there at least 10 days, and it's still good! I'm sold!” – KSB (
These Work “The sheets fit anywhere you need such as in lettuce bags, strawberry cartons, etc. Drop one in a bag of potatoes and they are still fresh weeks later. Worth the price.”- D, Winter (
Fresh Fresh Fresh “I was not a believer in this product, I have now bought several. I waited to see if they work and YES they work fantastic. My tomatoes last for about 3 weeks on the counter. I have them in the Refrid. and my veggies last weeks longer. Great product.” – 16Paws (
Perfect for pandemic “I bought this product when the pandemic started and there were so many unknowns with where and if we could get food. I was pleasantly surprised on how this kept my food fresh!” – Cambria Copeland (
IT WORKS “You can cut the sheet into smaller sizes if the product is small. Always try to buy the most recent fruits and vegetables. It really helps to put them in a container that spread them out a bit.” – Beverly Hayes (
FreshPaper actually works as promised! “FreshPaper was mentioned in an article I read. Intrigued by the claims I quickly ordered 2 packs. They arrived quickly and I placed a sheet in my fruit basket, then another in a new bunch of bananas. Here I am 4 days later and the bananas are perfectly yellow, no brown spots that usually appear in a day or two! The basket of fruit (apples, oranges, kiwi) are staying fresh, too. I have never had a product be 100% of what it claimed before...I am blown away by FreshPaper. I will definitely continue to use FreshPaper from here on out.” – B.H. King (
Saves Money By Significantly Reduced Rotting Fruit!! “I was skeptical these would do anything, but we were losing $30 of fruit per week to mold, so I figured it was worth a shot.
We changed nothing else, and we haven’t lost a single piece of fruit to mold since we started using them. We occasionally get a tiny speck of mold on a broken-skin area, but only after a week or more.
I’m super impressed.
There are 8 sheets per package, so we put one in each drawer of our refrigerator, one on each shelf, two where we wash and dry veggies, and one with out fruit bowl on the counter.
They need to be replaced every 30 days, so the 4 pack of 8 will last is 4 months easily.
Such a money saver!” Balanced Butterfly (
Keeping produce picked from the garden fresh after it is harvested for many days. “I liked that the Freshpaper food saver sheets kept my garden produce fresher to last longer before using the produce. I liked that it is a natural product, reusable, recyclable and saves money. It also has a pleasant odor.” – Luanne Long (
My husband requested me to reorder “Our first order of FreshPaper lasted more than 6 months. We used it in the fruit bowl, then also in the fridge drawer. My husband said "Time to reorder!" He could tell the difference it makes.” – MariNana (
Saves on food waste “These pay for themselves in a single use. Our berries and greens last a week.” – Katie (